Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Caitlyn Jenner kept its new look secret – Expressen

Caitlyn Jenner concealed its new look for the family – until Vanity Fair cover was published, writes Radar Online.

Rob Kardashian should have reacted strongly when he saw the picture of the stepfather for the first time.

– He said: “Who is this woman and why should I care?” Said Kim Kardashian according to the site.

Bruce Jenner withdrew from public life in his home in Malibu after he had opened up gender correction earlier this spring.

But it was not just the media attention Jenner was hiding from.

When Caitlyn Jenner debuted yesterday on the cover of Vanity Fair was the first time the family saw her after the final operations, writes Radar Online.

READ MORE: Jenner image as Morberg removed

“give the family more time”

According to site informant was to Caitlyn Jenner wanted to prepare the family for the change.

– The majority of the family saw Caitlyn for the first time on the cover. That was how she wanted it to be. By doing so, it provides the family a little more time to let it sink in. Caitlyn feel that the family will not be as surprised when they see her face to face now, says an informant to the site.

READ MORE: The secret behind Jenner’s decision

“She is beautiful”

Despite this, reacted stepson Rob Kardashian strongly when he saw the picture for the first time.

Radar Online reports that Kim Kardashian sent him a picture of the cover .

– He said: “Why did you send me this? Who is this woman and why should I care?” Rob had no idea. I said, “Rob, this is Bruce, it’s Caitlyn.” And he replied: “Oh God. She is beautiful,” says Kim Kardashian in Access Hollywood Live, according to Radar Online.

Rob will then have rung to Caitlyn. Kim describes the call as a “love feast”.

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