Monday, November 9, 2015

SNL even a media triumph for Trump – Swedish Radio

In the United States this weekend it was time for the current front-candidate in the Republican quest for the presidency, Donald Trump, host of NBC’s humor and satire program “Saturday Night Live” . The publicity before this, and protests against, they have been going on for weeks, but as expected did Saturday Night Live its best viewing figures in three years.

Donald Trump draws crowds of TV viewers wherever he emerges – debates between those who want to become the Republican presidential candidate has beaten all records, which entirely attributed fastighetsmiljardärens participation.

Trump is a contemporary phenomenon, especially in the American media culture where the lines between entertainment and politics is thinner than ever.

Show to show, it seems the United States thinking, and Trump was a great star in reality TV, for example, the successful “The Apprenctice”, concluded that at NBC shut him after he expressed himself contemptuously latinamerikar.

The protest against the Trump calls Latinos “criminals, rapists” and promise to build a high wall against Mexico and against NBC gave him the “prime time” platform, continued during the show, then something hundred people demonstrated outside the TV channel’s studio in New York.

The activist group “Deport Racism, “roughly” Expel Racism “had promised five thousand dollars to the one in the studio shouting” Trump is a racist! “.

It made the participants comedian Larry David anybody minutes into the program, explaining that he could not resist the offer. David will get their money, the activist group announced.

For their titles and victories to “The Donald,” as he is often called, a year be able to “US President.”

He leads almost uninterruptedly polls, and keeps it in themselves, then it is only Democratic presidential candidate who will stand between him and the White House.

Donald Trump as host of Saturday Night Live drugs As expected, the program’s best numbers for a long time, while all major media, ie those that Trump and Republicans accuse of being active anti-Republican, perhaps as expected, sawn actual content of the program, then the script and the level of skits and humor.

Which fits perfectly into Trump’s success story – and their own narrative – it’s viewing figures, voices and people in general, and quantity, leading someone where in the long run. Left media critics and demands for artistic quality does not take someone to the Oval Office.

A classic contradiction that Donald Trump cleverly uses where he now pulls in prime time in the United States.

Agneta Furvik, SR New York


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