Saturday, October 1, 2016

Zeana was forced to leave the “Idol” first of all – the Express newspaper

It was terrible even after the season’s first Friday finale in “Idol 2016″.

According to Pär Lernström differed only 14 votes between the that was last.

But in the end, it was clear that Zeana Muratovic had to leave “Idol.” Thus, it is only three girls left in the competition.

It was a really smooth Friday finale of “Idol 2016″, despite the fact that the jury sawn several of the participants.

When Fredrik Kempe were asked which two he thinks is loose, he replied:

– Nicole and Adrian.

Nikki Amini considered in turn to Feliks Parik and Cameron Jai.

Also Quincy Jones III, considered that Nicole Touma and Feliks Parik was loose.

Earlier in the evening, the jury had sawn Cameron Jai considerably, which made the audience upset.

” I don’t know what it is. Maybe it is the song. I feel that many of these Spotify-hits is svårsjungna. But it is wobbling a bit and it was a bit småsurt here and there.

Then buades Fredrik Kempe out of the crowd.

READ MORE: Fredrik Kempe ill – have locked themselves in the barn

But the jury was not ready with his sawing.

– When we have come this far in the competition, it is important to show that the development trajectory is going upwards but now it points downwards, “says Nikki Amini and continues:

” I love that Justin is your idol, I love him too. But you have to find the artist you want to be.

READ MORE: Jury booed after the criticism of Cameron Jai

Earlier in the evening, the jury had also pikats by Pär Lernström that they have been extra hard.

But when all the votes were counted, it was clear that it was Zeana Muratovic who had to leave the “Idol 2016″.

– It is boring but still fun for all of us here are tvärfeta, ” said a disappointed Zeana Muratovic.

Earlier in the week targeted her criticism of the “Idol”jury, where there is only eight of the twelve finalists were guys.

Pär Lernström have previously described the “Idol 2016″ as the guy’s years, and now received the additional a girl leave. Thus, it is only four girls left.

In the “Idol Extra”, which is headed by Gry Forssell after Friday’s finale was Zeana disappointed, but at the same time sent a hard boot to the “Idol”format.

“It’s too much karaoke,” she said.

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