Friday, February 12, 2016

Vänstrande dolls with my life crisis in Anomalisa – Sveriges Radio

Charlie Kaufman has done its own dollhouse. But not one of those fine with old-fashioned furniture, finely patterned wallpaper and chandeliers in miniature. Without the most boring of the hotel, with brown eternity corridors. With fulkonst, låtsaslyx and rooms cells. In this dreary essence stronghold, he lets the solkigaste kind of love story unfold. The between mid life crisis Spirit Michael and the younger uncertain Lisa.

An absolutely wonderful banal history with cocktails in the bar, fumble with keys and structures should be supine. A painfully realistic sex scene in real time, and so waking. With white daylight, scrambled eggs in the mouth and intimacy mixed with disgust. Only a true romantic can depict the encounter between two strangers as if it were for the first time. And Kaufman is a romantic, we know for Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. It’s just that the reality is so ugly. It’s so hard to get love to sprout where the hotel sheets.

It makes it possible to turn a one night stand to Art’s dolls. Made of silicone and faces of 3D printers. Kaufman and animator Duke Johnson has invented new matter, called Dragon Skin, a thin layer of silicone rubber foam underneath. A material that, paradoxically, creates a feeling of hyperrealism. Imagine a middle-aged man with a beige shirt and naked lower body, complete with all the pale fatty folds of skin that is exposed in a seduction situation. And so the low status-Lisa with a long oblique fringe trying to hide the scars she has in her face.

The affection I feel for these dolls, these plastiga dussinvarelsers desperate struggle to achieve authenticity, the fight is both puppets and people. It is only to say that Kaufman is a magician who can create real life dollhouse.

Nina Asarnoj


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