Monday, June 27, 2016

After the chaos – here Anitra meet Bruce – Aftonbladet

Gothenburg. Yesterday exploded she lose fankaoset.

Today received Anitra Hermes from Holland his revenge – in the form of a meeting with the boss and his wife, Patti.

– I shakes, she says.

Anitra Hermes , 43, has traveled from Holland with a letter to Bruce. There, she talks about the deadly disease that made the doctors gave her five years to survive and how idol’s songs helped her in the fight.

But in yesterday’s tumultuous fanmöte exploded her down the other fans, the pressure at the hotel made Bruce Springsteen , 66, had to flee into an elevator and away from the main floor at the Elite Plaza Hotel. Today Anitra got his revenge, after hours of waiting, she got a meeting with Bruce Springsteen and his wife Patti Scialfa 62.

– She arrived first. She was a sweetheart, received the letter, put it in her purse and promised to give it to Bruce. READ ALSO She rushed down the Bruce fans

“I shake ‘

– I’m up in the lap now, I’m shaking. When he stands in front of you do not know what to do, you just shake. I was not all right yesterday, but now I do.

Today she had a special place just in front of the barricades.

– why people could not storming over me today. Despite what happened yesterday, I felt the pressure behind the people and things they wanted signed, she says. READ ALSO PLUS Did you Bruce? Zoom out of yourself in the audience

broke down in panic yesterday

She does not know about Bruce heard about her accident yesterday when she broke down in panic having been run down by fanmobben.

– He gave me his autograph and asked if I was all right, she says.

Are you it?

– yesterday I was not there, but now I’m there. I am so happy. READ ALSO Took selfie with Bruce before 62,000 persons


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