Thursday, July 21, 2016

Ported from Twitter – speaking at Pride – Västerbotten Courier

Fun Telegram After hatdrevet the “Ghostbusters” star Leslie Jones, Twitter has ported a large number of users – including the right debater and writer Milos Yiannopoulos to talk at Pride next week.

Twitter train with racist overtones that has been going on “Ghostbusters” -skådespelaren Leslie Jones has produced results. Jones announced yesterday that she hated leaving Twitter for attacks.

“All this because I was in a movie. You can hate the film, but the shit I have endured is wrong, “she writes.

It has also resulted in Twitter chosen to shut down a large number of user accounts. Among them is the controversial right commentator and Breitbart-writer Milos Yiannopoulos, many criticized for its racist and anti-feminist statements.

Yiannopoulos, who is openly gay, is invited to a panel discussion with the Moderates LGBT associations at this year’s Pride festival in Stockholm next week, which had among others RFSL react.

– It is very difficult to support a person who is so active and clearly expressed himself transphobic and islamfobiskt and spreads strong hatretorik says RFSL Chairman Frida Sandegård to the Daily News.

Among other things, he should have said that transgender people have a brain disease and likened the feminism of cancer.

TT have searched Open moderates for comment, without success.


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