Thursday, July 28, 2016

Renck gives an eloquent boot – to Sweden – Expressen

The Adventure is not given a free gift. You must participate and you need help, for everything that’s worth anything has a cost or effort.

It is one of the main messages of the director Johan Renck “Summer in P1″.

“Curiosity and limit testing edged with an unreasonable fear of the mediocre and mundane gives me direction, but ultimately I’m probably a simple escapist and dreamers,” says 49-year-old Johan Renck, who made music videos with Madonna, Beyoncé and David Bowie and directed the hit television series “Breaking Bad”.

He says that his brother gave him a much-needed push in the right direction when Renck was being swallowed up by the night life and self-destructiveness and says he finally got over their vanity, thanks to his relatively late in life, has received three new people (the wife and the two children) to love and to prioritize.

READ MORE: Johan Renck knew Bowie’s disease

It is almost 25 years since Johan Renck took their first “hundsimtag in filming basin”, which made him realize that new, unexpected dreams can occur if only dare jump (in Renck case it was to give up his own music career because he thought he was intelligent enough).

he explains that he has a boundless love for his work, which requires that he is equal parts “psychologist, father, manipulative therapist, photographer, company commander, artistic dictator, script doctor, imaginary producer, korthuskonstruktör, car salesman and whiner”.

READ MORE: David Bowie’s farewell at the last music video

But this is not a sommarprat on the theme I, I, I. Renck comes with scathing social criticism that Sweden is “brilliant at delivering a better version of something that already exists,” but unable to articulate standards. He berates Sweden Democrats ( “It helps those who need it, even if it costs you something,” and “The opportunities you are given is a consequence of a godsinnad idea and not a pyramid built for you”).

I go in once Renck eloquence, rich references and perspectives.


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