Monday, April 11, 2016

Jury determines chords theft of Zeppelin – Swedish Dagbladet

On Friday, a judge in Los Angeles that “Stairway to heaven” and the band Spirits instrumental “Taurus”, released in 1967, are similar enough that a jury will assess the Plant and Page have been guilty of copyright infringement .

the lawsuit was filed by Michael Skidmore, administrator of the estate of Spirits guitarist who is also the “Taurus” -kompositören Randy Wolfe. Skidmore believes that Page may have been inspired after having toured with Spirit 1968-1969 but without having credited Wolfe, while the defense argues that Wolfe was a hired songwriters who did not claim copyright and chord progressions were so clichéd that they did not deserve copyright protection.

the trial is scheduled for 10 May.


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