Saturday, November 12, 2016

Jacques Werup is dead – Västerbottens-kuriren (the Courier)

Kulturtelegram A writer and musician with jazzhjärta who believed that poetry is capable of expressing that which can’t be said in other ways. Jacques Werup has died, russia’s Albert Bonniers förlag.


Born In Malmö in 1945

the Awards, a selection: Big romanpriset, Piratenpriset, Ferlinpriset, the city of Malmö’s culture prize, the De Nios grand prize

Bibliography: Casanova’s later journeys (1979)From the door to the secret (1985), Pornografens death (1988), the Appetite and senior (1994)

"I hope I’ll be able to write a beautiful thing, but I have special demands on it now. Late in life, higher demands on yourself than ever. The remains of life may not always store away".

So said Jacques Werup in an interview with TT in the last year, just before his new book of poems came out. It was not, however, "You have been here – poetry on life and death", was his last work. In it he summed up his four decades of activity as a poet, but was also their favoritdikter of other poets take place in the book.

Breakthrough Award

Werup grew up in Malmö, sweden and debuted as a writer in 1971 with the "return Ticket to Poland". The big breakthrough came with "Casanova’s later journeys," in 1979, a novel that earned him the ezra pound big prize for novels. He was also awarded an Award for the script of the film "As white as snow" in 2001.

During the 1980s was Werup also known for musikpubliken as a singer. He toured extensively with musicians and artists such as Rolf Sersam, Michael Saxell, Lill Lindfors and Mats Ronander. Latest album, "Wiehe & Werup" which he did together with Mikael Wiehe, 2008.

Early memories

For ten years then came his memoir, "Living together". On why he wrote his livsberättelse already at 61 years of age, he said in an interview in Sydsvenskan:

— The shrinking of time is present. I have become aware of it. I can quote myself a little bit. There was a time when I was a very strong and young and talented, and wrote about the destruction of those who not prevailed in my life.

Jacques Werup was 71 years.


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