Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Get prisnominerade nordic books translated into Swedish – the Swedish Radio

the Translator John Swedenmark think that it may be due to the fact that Sweden is suffering from a “big brother complex”.

– There is something in there. We are a little patronizing, as a culture, against the other nordic countries. It is not so “hot” with the nordic stuff, and especially in Sweden, there is a distrust of the nordic, both of kulturredaktioner and publishers. The interest is so completely different, directed against Sweden from Norway and Denmark and also Iceland, ” he says.

out of a total Of 102 non-Swedish-speaking books that are nominated for the Nordic council literature prize since 2006, it has 46 been translated into Swedish. It shows Kulturnytts review.

Even fewer books have been translated into Norwegian, only 36 of the 119 job titles, according to NRK’s corresponding review, which also shows that none of the last ten years of vinnarböcker have been translated into sami or greenlandic.

When publishers are motivated by profit, it requires a lot to a nordic author to be translated into Swedish, says John Swedenmark, who tells us that he had to fight to get translate vinnarboken 2011, icelandic Gyrðir Elíassons “Among the trees”.

this Year’s vinnarbok, Katarina Frostenson “Songs and formulas”, has not yet been translated into any of the other nordic languages. And it is difficult to get to, said Miller, at the award ceremony in Copenhagen.

” I myself have translated poetry and also drama and know how difficult it can be. But my förrförrförra collection of poems “Flotid” which was also nominated for the Nordic council prize, it was translated, for example, to the Danish of the fine poet Pia Tafdrup. And I think it is very nice when the author translates the writer, then, is a poetic language.

Åsa Selling, which is the publisher on Frostenson förlag, Wahlström & Widstrand believe that the gain will increase the attractiveness of the “Songs and formulas” outside of Sweden. And according to her, the translated nordic literature, especially the scandinavian, on the rise in Sweden.

there was A time that we swedes exported our Swedish detective story, and then we were not so interested in the other scandinavian countries. Then it began to go both ways so that there were other scandinavian crime novel, which also was interesting in Sweden. And now I think that the interest is wider than that, it’s also novels and other genres and not only that which currently is called “scandicrime”.


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