Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Book sale has starat: “This is a party” – Göteborgs-Posten

Bokälskarnas findings chances were great when the book sale started on Wednesday morning. For the stores, it is a welcome tradition, although one marked by a decreasing interest in the area in recent years.

Akademibokhandeln in North Town abuzz with customers among the big stacks of books. We find the assistant store manager Anna-Lena Nises in the entrance, she invites the morning’s offer of four books for the price of three and says that it was the queue when the store opened at seven.

Also read: Beads in this year’s book sale

– This is still the big beautiful bokfesten for us, it is important for us, a fun bokfest for customers. The last 15 years it has in itself a lot has happened, people are shopping online, but this is still a party, she says, and explains that the workforce during these days will increase from eleven to 20 people.

What people ask for?

– Yes, the book is going very well, she says, nodding toward the entrance where large stacks of Frederick Backmans Britt Marie was here is stacked.

– It is very impaired. Then there is everything from nonfiction to classics and poetry that people ask for. Children’s books can of course also good, they always do.

Inside the children’s book section is crowded. Uther has brought with her daughter Emilie, 8 months and looking for bargains.

– It becomes this, the Wild Things Are. The read myself when I was little. It will probably be the big brother named Mio that may read this, says Sofia.

Behind a pile of books we find Sara Dahlin.

– Now you have found a beginner, she says .


– I’m no book readers really, but now I’m going on a trip so I thought change that. I have gotten some help here in the store, I said “give me anything just it’s exciting.”

We check in her bokhög and notes that she got plenty of help, there are both circle Mats Strandberg and Sara Bergmark Elfgren, Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn and Lejontämjaren of Camilla Läckberg – and then some.

The book sale is also underway at Science Fiction bookstore up on King Street. Emelie Lundgren has gone from Trollhattan to find some great bargains on favorite store in Gothenburg.

– I like science fiction. I like fantasy, disseminating winds in all directions. Anything can happen, everything does not have to be so believable, she says and shows the current selection: Charlie Fletcher’s The Oversight and Kelley Armstrong’s Sea of ​​Shadows.

Jenny Engvall is a store manager at Science Fiction bookstore.

– We have a real book sale, we fathers out everything there is to our catalog plus we buy into some titles and focuses on the US and UK.

Is there any book that you notice additional demand?

– I do not know yet, we’ve only had open six minutes! But it is fun to sale Circle, now that it is bioaktuell and so. Mats Strandberg and Sara Bergmark Elfgren need all the praise they can get, with its depiction of strong young men and Swedish teenage angst.

What does the sale for you?

– We feed ourselves not on sale, but it’s a fun event, meet clients, helping them to bargain, says Jenny Engvall.

The Christian bookstore Your book on Länsisatamankatu winners also starting today . Ingrid and Per Bodemar runs the shop.

– It is important book sale, a chance for us to sell off the shelf, says Per.

How much cheaper are the books compared to?

– We are lowering them 60-70 percent.

Do you have any book that you notice is extra good?

– Yes, I must say that Dag Hammarskjold Road is a book that is in demand.


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