Saturday, February 11, 2017

Supermånga heroes in the new ”Avengers” – Västerbottens-kuriren (the Courier)

The upcoming "Avengers: Infinity war" seems to bid on a record number of superheroes for money. The gang, including Iron Man, Captain America and the Hulk, will once again be joined by the amazing Spider-man, writes The Wrap. The news, revealed in a video clip from the recording, with several of the film’s actors.

In the new movie think Marvel also bringing together "the Avengers" with the heroes from "Guardians of the galaxy" in order to let them make common cause against the dead arch gangster Thanos. In the video from the shooting seen Chris Pratt, who plays the lead role as Starlord in the popular rymdäventyret, together with Tom Holland, who plays Spider-man and Iron Man skådisen Robert Downey Jr.

the New "Avengers"movie is expected to premiere next year. "Guardians of the galaxy 2" and the new "Spider-man"film later in the year.


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