Saturday, September 24, 2016

Olivia Bergdahl receives the radio novellpris – Göteborgs-Posten

book Fair the Author and estradpoeten Olivia Bergdahl from Gothenburg, Sweden’s Radio novellpris. – It is very funny. I feel busy in the great literature, and arms.

Olivia Bergdahl receives the prize for his radionovell Hero Josef Schultz in the photograph, in a reading of Tomas von Brömssen.

the Novel, she has specialskrivit for Swedish Radio P1, and asks the questions of who really is crazy, “the one who orders the war or who put down its weapons”.

- the short Story is about a photograph that was taken during the Second värlskriget and is said to imagine the German soldier Josef Schultz who refused to participate in an execution, and instead took place among them would be shot. My novel is a kind of dialogue between a berättarjag and Joseph Schultz on the photograph.

Where did Tomas von Brömssen into the picture?
- When I had written half the novel I began to think about browsers and got Tomas von Brömssens voice in her head. He is very, very good at reading text.

When Olivia Bergdahl two weeks ago found out that she won the Swedish Radio symphony novellpris she sat on a night bus between Los Angeles and San Francisco, and was so excited by the news that she started to tell all the americans she met.

(laughter) Arriving in San Francisco, I felt extremely rich and confirmed, and drank up all the beer I saw.

just over a year ago made his debut Olivia Bergdahl with the acclaimed novel After the echo, and right now she is working on a new book.

” I can live on 10 000 dollars a month and with this prize of sek 25 000, I can pay 2.5 months extra for my upcoming novel.

- It is also incredibly encouraging and nice that it is the listeners who vote. I feel popular.

given the turmoil around the right-wing newspaper New Times ‘ participation in the book Fair like Olivia Bergdahl also it feels good to just her novell, is highlighted.

” it is about The opposite of everything the New Times stands for.

FOOTNOTE: the Swedish Radio select the five radionoveller that the listeners get to vote on. The prize has been awarded for 15 years and is 25 000 sek. Among the previous winners include Stina Stoor, Beate Grimsrud, Håkan Nesser and Bob Hansson.


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