The day we meet going Mans Zelmerlöw a waiting period.
The boat should be in the lake.
apartment in Barcelona, where the last album “The Barcelona session” was written, is a memory wet. Instead, Måns bought a summer house on a small private island in Lake Mälaren.
– You can only get there by boat. It is completely isolated and quiet and peace and quiet – paradise on earth! As hectic as life has been in recent years that is not a party weekend in Barcelona that I had when I was free …
During the winter, he had to lock up the house.
– As long as the ice is, you can not get there. Now I sit on pins and needles and just waiting to be put in the boat.
“Eurovision finals felt like a once-in-a-lifetime thing.”
After the success of Eurovision -vinnaren “Heroes” and the successful European tour had Måns going to put the program leadership on the shelf and focus on being an artist full time.
– But Eurovision finals felt like a once-in-a-lifetime thing. In addition, I get the chance to experience the Eurovision bubble again. In Vienna, everything went in, there were interviews from morning to evening every day, rehearsals – now I think it will be a little calmer. Maybe I can get to enjoy a little more of being in the bubble …
Måns lead the program along with Petra Mede.
– We’ve never worked together, but she led Melody Fest Oval in 2009 when I was with and we have met several times after that. I am quite sure that the chemistry between us will be great! We have terrible fun together!
Until he became host of “Sing-along at Skansen” bet Mans on a broad career.
– I do not really think I thought of myself as artist for “Hope & amp; glory”. Then it was Allsången that was my goal. After that I tried to start again with my music and choose a different path – and it feels like it’s been great!
From 2011 three years ahead was Måns Zelmerlöw host of “Sing-along at Skansen”.
Photo: Tommy Pedersen
Mans Zelmerlöw: “it was absolutely magical”
Still, it began in a minor key. The singles from the “Barcelona session” did not sell as well as he hoped.
– It was a tough time. I knew it would be hard to go back to being an artist, but it was very heavy. I thought I made an album that I was very, very proud – and I am to this day actually. But it never flew, and then I started to ask me if this was the end for me as an artist? But luckily, I gave it a chance to …
He laughs. European tour was a turning point. Both for his confidence and his career.
– It was quite magical, he says with shining eyes. All the dreams I’ve ever had as an artist came true. I got to stand on the big clubs in cities around Europe with my own band and play for an audience that actually wanted to hear my music, and learned every song from every album by heart … it was incredible! I could play an album track from 2007 acoustic – and suddenly sang the entire audience with!
He discovered that he had loyal fans.
– When we got to the venue in Paris in the morning, it was 200 fans outside waiting! They stood up to the show and then they waited for two hours afterwards we would come out. There is such a thing I never thought would happen …
“I am more than entertainer artist”
Something happens Mans when he stands on stage – he has an incredible charisma and magnetism that are not received on the disc.
– I’m more entertainer than an artist. I like to give energy on stage – it’s live-bitten my passion! In Europe, I have not the same backpack that in Sweden, where people might expect to hear “One evening in June.” Where will I be just the person I want to be on stage. I take with me to the next tour in Sweden – there are more songs than “Heroes,” “Cara Mia” and “Hope & amp; glory” … I have noticed that people can listen to my music and to think that my lyrics and songs are good and it has meant that I gained new confidence in my songwriting.
Mans broke through the Swedish people when he won the “Let’s dance”. Yet he had only a few tango lessons in the back pocket. When his father turned 50, he received 10 home-tango lessons by his wife. Måns and his girlfriend had to be with, but after three lessons dropped his father off.
– He thought it was very boring – and I thought it was great fun.
“Now we to build a school in Ethiopia “
But the” Let’s dance “was a last attempt by Måns to remain in the industry.
– I came from fifth place in the” Idol ” , no record company wanted me. There were really only two options: take the “Let’s Dance” or go home to Lund and begin study – then it was a hell of a lot more fun to learn to dance and get to remain in Stockholm. I thought it was great to hang on Stureplan and be part of the industry – but that love subsided rather soon. For some years I thought it was quite boring to stay up here – all mates were left in Lund then went on nations and everything was great …
The last time I met Måns he was in South Africa as an ambassador for Stars for Life, a charity that fights to stop the spread of AIDS among young people in South Africa. The work which led to Måns has now started her own foundation together with old tennis pro Jonas Bjorkman.
– When I was in South Africa asked the star for life if I wanted to take a startup program in a school, which then cost 250 000 a year. I said yes without really thinking about how I would get the money together …
When he came home he started to think. What am I good at? Tennis – Måns greatest interest for the music. He began at a tennis tournament with the help of Jonas Bjorkman, where business leaders had to play against the old tennis pro. The first year they received 600 000. The third year, they were up in two million.
– Now we are building a school in Ethiopia. We build the school, it starts and scholarships for different skills – if you are good at counting, run or sing. In both Kenya and Ethiopia will cost school so much that many ports outside the school system because their parents can not pay – or because they are orphans. The students get to go with us.
“I will always burn the most to be an artist”
Måns has also started a paddle hall in Stockholm Free Port with Jonas Bjorkman – a kind of mix between tennis and squash, as is common in Skåne.
– We started the first hall in Stockholm last year.
in the future, dreaming Måns of trusting to his entrepreneurship for its main supply.
– I will always burn the most to be an artist, but I come from an entrepreneurial family and I think it is terribly funny – I keep getting new ideas. I have a dream that music more should be a hobby when I get older – not my main income. I think that would also make me a better artist. I grew up with that there must be something to fall back on if it would shit themselves with music – I want to have a safety net.
Måns says he is terrible companion sick, and in recent years, many of his old Lund friends moved to Stockholm.
– We are a strong group of friends – 16 guys from high school, hanging a lot, and has a share parklubb together. What intercourse than I had up here, I have always come back to my best friends from that time are still my best friends. Those who love me for who I am and still treats me like “Empe” …
“Many of those who turned their backs on me then my closest friends today”
strange thing is that it’s the same guys who bullied him in middle school when a new guy showed up and took over the gang – except Mans.
– I was not feeling well in fifth grade and sixth grade, he says, but then we talked not much of it. When we started in high school was over – and I wanted out of the gang again. But we’ve been talking about it now, I raised it for 3-4 years ago and asked what really happened? We of course have different pictures of how it happened and how serious it was. Many of those who turned their backs on me then my closest friends today, and when they heard how I felt during that period, it is nothing they are proud of.
Mans have become better at being alone, says he said.
– yesterday, I chose to stay home alone in bed in front to go on the AW with the whole gang Lund. It’s happened quite a lot in the past year, maturity-wise. The entire initiative for Vasaloppet was very useful. I peeled off all the nightlife, alcohol and correctly and trained every day for six weeks. It was good to surrender to something so much – and succeeds. What I do have to say that I did considering that I’ve never been on a pair of cross country skis before, and I could go on for nine hours – despite poor snow and no tracks … but damn what tired I was! What a fucking thing – and what a shame it was when I stood there and had gone six mil – and I knew I had three left! It is far …
Mans Zelmerlöw separated from Azra Osmancevic 2014
Since the separation from Azra Osmancevic 2014 Måns been single. In a podcast he spoke out about the infidelity and confirmation needs.
– But the infidelity, I will not talk about more. Now I’m almost 30 and I’ll find someone now, it’ll be someone I want to live with the rest of your life and having children and houses. It should feel quite right. I have always said in interviews that I’m most afraid of is not to get on stage anymore, but I think it has changed lately. Now I’m most afraid of not being needed by anyone, not to be part of a context, not to make love.
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