Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Laleh releases new autumn – Sveriges Radio

In recent years the artist Laleh Pourkarim spent much time in the United States where she worked on writing and producing music for others, such as superstar Ellie Goulding. But just a few weeks ago, she was on stage, then with Adam Lambert, the American Idol, and in the fall she will return to Sweden for a tour. In his luggage, she has a new album.

Crystals disk drives, describes the singer as “happy and sad at the same time” in an email to TT. It will be released in September, but already April 8 gets the fans a first taste when the single Just get right myself released. On the same day, you can also buy tickets for the arena tour waiting in the autumn, and on it has Laleh Sinfonietta Modern Fantazias under the direction of conductor Hans Ek.

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