So here you have never seen Ace Wilder.
Here is schlagerstjärnans big change in the face of the Eurovision song contest in 2017.
“I was a little shocked the first time I saw myself,” she says.
Ace Wilder, or Alice Gernandt as she is really called, debuted in the Eurovision song contest 2015. And it was an instant success.
With the song “Busy doin’ nothin”, she took directly to the final, where she lost to Sanna Nielsen with just two points.
in 2016, it was time again, with the song “Don’t worry”, which also went to the final. Ace Wilder finished third in the competition.
READ MORE: Ace Wilder on panikångesten
During Saturday’s third time lucky for the 34-year-old. And this time, doing Ace Wilder entrance in the Eurovision song contest with a brand new style.
Among other things, have the singer, who competes with the song “Wild child” in Gothenburg, blonderat hair, something she had proffshjälp with.
” It is not I that do it. It is proffsmänniskor who are working on this and it took two blekningar and hurt a bit actually, ” says Ace Wilder.
does It hurt?
– Yes, it gets a little sore in the scalp. But I was also very happy although I was a bit shocked the first time I saw myself.
Ace Wilder also talks about the emotions in the face Saturday night.
” I don’t really know how to describe this feeling. I’m nervous, absolutely, but I also want to show what I have. I want to get up on stage already now. Then it go as it goes, it can never decide so we’ll see.
it Was the obvious choice for you to set it up?
” No, not at all, we had this song and so it came to the speech. Then I had just made Mello so then I felt not really for it. But then we made the song a little and then I felt that okay, we go.
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Ace Wilder, who is known for their great stage shows, also tells us that she this year will make a much more stripped-down appearance.
– I have removed the big stuff because it was too much stress last year. Now I’m trying to get the dance and the joy of the song. So there is a lot of colours, dance and chorus.
” I know that there are other people who enjoy that it is so large and it has a lot to think about. But the fact that you have three minutes time it will be for a short time to be able to find the ro before one occurs, so it wasn’t really for me.
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