Wednesday, February 1, 2017

The cake jumps out of the Comviq-campaign – financial times

Karin "Kakan" Hermansson has had enough of the hatred.

Artist drop out of the Comviqs advertising campaign about freedom of expression.

the Reason is that she experiences the situation as threatening.

Karin "Kakan" Hermansson was one of the top ten celebrities who act as ambassadors in the Comviqs new campaign about freedom of expression, and to step out of their "filter bubble". The artist, the host of the show and beautybloggaren have the company of the name as Zara Larsson and Calle Schulman.

the Campaign has received mixed reactions. For example, strong anger from, among others, Comviq customers, directed against the Kakan Hermansson, in the social media. Some have threatened to end their subscription with telejätten on the basis of the cookie’s involvement.

One reason may be that the artist in the past has stirred up feelings by tweeting negatively about the police force and Malexandermorden. She has, however, apologised for his statements about it.

Comviq have not thought about any of their ambassadors, despite the reactions.

– We have no plans to make any changes in the campaign. We will continue to let our ten profiles to carry out its mission…, ” says Malin Selander, communications manager at Tele2, in an e-mail to Nöjesbladet.

On Wednesday night came the news that the hatred and glåporden has become too much for Kakan Hermansson. She jumps from Comviq-the campaign because she has experienced the situation as threatening. It announces Malin Selander in an e-mail to Nöjesbladet.

– We think it is extremely boring, at the same time, she has our full understanding and our support. Comviqs campaign will continue as planned. The reactions we got around the campaign clearly shows why … freedom of expression is worth fighting for.


Criticism of the "Cake" in the new campaign – telejätten defend their choice


Cake Hermanssons criticism against the clothing chain


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