Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Lisa Ajax for the ugly in the mouth of the Eurovision – stopped – Aftonbladet

Forced to change their song if she wins in the Eurovision song contest – coarse language is prohibited

MALMÖ. Lisa Ajax let violates Eurovision rules – the text is too rough.

If she wins the Eurovision song contest, her song will be stopped from competing in Europe-final.

– Contributions with unacceptable text will not be approved for performance in the competition. Violation of these rules can result in sanctions, ” says a spokesperson for the Eurovisionarrangören EBU.

Lisa Ajax, 18, lyric beat down like a bomb in the Eurovision world when SVT announced the onsdagseftermiddagen.

the Reason: it violates the Eurovision song contest’s strict rules and would never be allowed to compete in Europe-final if it wins the Eurovision song contest.

Singing prohibited text

In the song sings Lisa Ajax the word "fuck" a total of ten times. It is one of the English language’s worst word, directly translated, means "fuck". But the rules of the Eurovision song contest are crystal clear. Profanity and other coarse language are not allowed and may lead to disqualification.

Lisa Ajax let "I don’t give a", or other contributions with the word "fuck" in the text will be stopped from to be delivered in the Eurovision to be confirmed by the competition’s organizer, the european television union EBU:

– the Eurovision song contest is a family show and it’s for all entries must reflect it, ” says a spokesperson for the EBU.

– EBU and the host country will ensure that all contributions comply with the rules of the contest. Contributions with unacceptable text will not be approved for performance in the competition. Violation of these rules may result in sanctions.

BBC put a stop – SVT was forced to cut about

In the English språkvärlden considered the word "fuck" so serious that it is in the everyday speech often replaced with the term "f-word". According to the BBC’s broadcasting licence may, the word does not occur in the television program whose transmission started before the clock 21, and because of the time difference broadcast the Eurovision song contest at 20 in the Uk.

SVT Melodifestivalen, the production is well aware of the strict rules of the language in the Eurovision. When the Eurovision song contest was broadcast from Malmö 2013 had SVT at the last moment to change a pre-recorded skit with Björn Gustafsson. Late at night was the SVT had to cut away just the word "fuck"," because, among other things, the BBC would otherwise have been able to get hefty fines if they had shown the sketch in the broadcast.


the Same rule which prohibits political messages and advertising

In the rules of the Eurovision song contest 2017 notes EBU:

"Text and/or the performance of the song may not put the show, the Eurovision song contest or the EBU into disrepute. No lyrics, speeches, gestures of political nature are allowed under the ESC. No profanity or other unacceptable language is allowed in the chlorine or in the performance of the songs. No message that promotes an organization, institution, political message or other, company, brand, products or services are permitted in the show or in some of the Eurovision sites. Violation of the rules can lead to disqualification."

Source: The EBU /


singing Lisa Ajax

Excerpt from "I don’t give a" was written by Ola Svensson, Linnea Deb, Joy Deb and Anton Hård af Segerstad.

"I don’t give a
I don’t give a
I don’t give a
fuck what the others say."


"'ll lo love you anyway
fuck what they say
I don’t give a
fuck what they say."


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