Thursday, May 28, 2015

A living sculpture on the assembly line – Helsingborgs Dagblad

– You get the feeling of a meditative flow. For me it was important to approach the story of work in a new way. I wanted to pay homage and remember this heavy work who constructed our society, but not reproduce it, says Alexandra Pirici.

“Work monuments,” which her motion works is called, is the first work in a series of works made to order by the National Public Art on the theme of industrial society in transition. Education is also the first temporary artwork ever Arts Council ordered and the idea is that it should be presented annually at various locations around the country. On the one hand it is a temporary work of art, on the other hand, it is part of a governmental structure, says Lisa Rosendahl.

– We can rebuild it in the future and where it becomes a kind of ritual for a collective memory process, she says.

How do you create a collective memory monument in a contemporary art form? It is one of the issues behind the “Work monuments”.

In the former Eastern Bloc countries were enormous statues of working men and women, meant to glorify work and drive the development of the agricultural society to an industrial society finds Alexanda Pirici coming from Romania . But his own work, she wants neither to glorify or romanticize but rather initiate a discussion on how the work could be organized in today’s automated and post-industrial society.

– Today, there are fewer jobs while still have this idea if that is valuable only if you have a job, you

have to earn a living. The increased productivity has never been translated into more leisure time for workers, says Alexandra Pirici.


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