Sunday, May 17, 2015

Elisabeth Andreassen thinking surprise in Bingolotto – Göteborgs-Posten

Schlager Veteran who is visiting Gothenburg and Bingolotto at Norway’s National May 17

What should you do in the lotto ?

– I and my companion Tor Endresen will sing our song All over the World that we competed into Norwegian Eurovision Song Contest in the year. There will be a children’s choir with and it will be beautiful.

Lotta Engberg is standing and leading the program. Will you sing something together?

– It is great that it is Lotta, who is the host. It will probably be a little song surprise.

As a resident in Norway for why celebrate May 17th as well?

– Yes, if we have time before Bingolotto go Norwegian Church where they usually have a very nice celebration which I really recommend.

You grew up in Gothenburg. What do you absolutely do when you are here?

– Say hello to mother and father, and at some point my brother also living out on Björkö. And I have to meet my best friend Sylvia, we usually go out and do a little cozy things.

Do you have a favorite spot in town?

– I think to go on the Avenue and Haga Nygata, Market Hall is very cozy. It’s fun to go down to the Opera and take a lunch and look out over the river.

What was it like to be on Eurovision 60th birthday party in London?

– It was extremely professional, great team and a great experience. To meet with Graham Norton was a highlight for me, he was really nice. And Petra Mede was amazing!

How do you think it goes too Mans Zelmerlöw in Vienna?

– You it will go well. Both Sweden and Norway will probably among the top ten. There is a risk that you may organize it again. He has an imaginative stage show and he is so good.

Read also: Tagged Mans aiming for victory

What will you do this summer?

– I have chosen not to have a summer show this year so it will be a little more casually than usual. But there will be some concerts and then the Taube Games for the first time to Oslo and there I will be 30 August. And I’ll be on the Gothenburg Culture Festival!


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