Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Activists called for a boycott of the movie Mad Max – Swedish Radio

Through a blog warns American males people to see the movie Mad Max: Fury Road . Lisa and Rasmus invited columnist Svante Allmungs to check out what it is about.

The reason for the warning is that men’s rights activists think that the actress Charlize Theron’s character in the movie takes too much space. Allowing the film to the feminist propaganda.

Svante Allmungs wrote on his blog on the Bulletin Board Chronicle Time for a boycott? Offended male warns of Mad Max: Fury Road and its “feminist propaganda.”

Lisa and Rasmus became curious about who the men who are outraged by the film is.

– There are so-called men’s rights activists campaigning for the men’s place in society, they think might be men do not get enough space, says Svante Allmungs.

The Rasmus Almerud
Rasmus .almerud @


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