Monday, October 26, 2015

Fosse favorite for Nordic great price – Sydsvenskan

“Trilogy” is about Asle and Alida, two vulnerable people in search of his place in the world.

The three parts together is not just over 300 pages. In what genre he writes sees Jon Fosse as a poet. His minimalist prose is full of repetitions, where phrases are constantly changing in importance.

– He is a strong candidate, says the author and poet Eva Ström, previously both won the award and represented Sweden at the Nordic Council prize jury.

Last time Fosse was nominated for the Nordic Council Literature Prize – in 2001 – it went instead to his countryman January Kærstad.

Although Fosse not fall jury on the lip of the year either giving his nomination contours at a price with many strong candidates emphasizes Eva Ström.

Denmark has nominated Pia Juul and Helle Helle, both established and widely read authors also in Swedish. The category also includes highly Icelander Jón Kalman Stefánsson, whose new novel “The fishermen have no feet” is about a nation that has been difficult to see himself in the eyes, if you believe the author himself.

The novel is a kind of family story where the different stories from different timetable woven together. A large part played in Keflavik and around the US military base.

The Swedish candidates , then, do they have any chance? Absolutely, according to Eva Ström believes that Bruno K Öijer collection of poems “And the night whispered Annabel Lee” is a strong candidate.

– Nothing bad about Therese Bohman, but she has a great future. Bruno K Öijer is a really fine poet.


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