Friday, October 21, 2016

Bob Dylan continues to elude the Swedish academy – Göteborgs-Posten

Fun the First compact of silence. Then a caution notice. Which is picked away from the net. And then silence again. GP sorts out the controversy around Bob Dylan’s refusal to comment on his nobel Prize in literature.

Is the Bob Dylan sur? He feels himself provoked? Hate he the Swedish Academy and wish them to hell for that he invested his entire savings on the Korean poet Ko Un?

Or is he excited about his prize for literature, proud even, but don’t really know how he is to thank for that? Not after a week. It must feel really weird for him to come out now, like a sulky seven-year-old who no longer remember why he surar in his room. Better to sit there, quietly, until everyone stops shouting.

As it can be. Who knows how Bob Dylan thinking? This is what we know.

Thursday, October 13. the Swedish Academy’s permanent secretary Sara Danius announces that this year’s nobel Prize in literature goes to Bob Dylan. Ago spend she the rest of the day trying to get hold of the he, without success.

The only answer the world can (after a couple of hours) is Bob Dylan know that he won the Nobel prize and that there will be a press release “soon”. In the meantime time, both Barack Obama and Bruce Springsteen to congratulate you on the choice of the winner.

In the evening performs Bob Dylan in Las Vegas and see according to consistent witness testimony is happy but doesn’t mention the Nobel prize with a word.

Friday, October 14. the Swedish Academy continues to hunt down Bob Dylan, who continues to remain silent. TT says Dylan’s agent, Jeff Rosen, “Bob can unfortunately not be reached for comments now”. In the evening performs Bob Dylan in Indio, California, but did not mention the Nobel prize with a word.

Saturday 15 October. Still no comments from Dylanlägret. Akademiledamoten Per Wästberg stresses that the price is Bob Dylan’s, regardless of if he is coming to Stockholm in order to download it or not. And it gets great nobel party even if Dylan stays at home.

Sunday, February 16. In the evening performs Bob Dylan in Phoenix, but did not mention the Nobel prize with a word.

Monday, October 17. Even the most cut people on earth have now understood that Bob Dylan won the Nobel prize in literature, and the whole world have congratulated him. Himself he continues to remain silent. The academy of hope, however, to get hold of Bob Dylan later in the week.

Tuesday, October 18. One of Bob Dylan’s official websites mention him as the year’s nobel prize in literature, according to Aftonbladet. In the evening performs Bob Dylan in Albuquerque but doesn’t mention the Nobel prize with a word.

Wednesday 19 October. In the evening performs Bob Dylan in El Paso, but … wait for it … don’t mention the Nobel prize with a word.

Friday, 21 October. Aftonbladet discovers that the same website removed the sentence from Tuesday that Bob Dylan had received the Nobel prize. According to the newspaper’s source in the direct call from Dylan himself.

Well, here we are now. The nobel prize is shared traditionally on 10 december. By then we know if Bob Dylan will receive his prize or not.


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