Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Idol-Rebekah posted on the hospital Has the very evil – Expressen

Rebecka Karlsson, 16, has been admitted to hospital with severe pains in the stomach.

Now preparing TV4 that she can’t be with in the “Idol” on Friday.

“She is very sorry so clear and has a lot of pain,” says Anders Edholm, press officer for “Swedish Idol”.

Rebecka Karlsson from Ekeby has made several acclaimed performances in “Idol”. Not least, last Friday when she performed Faith Hills “Breathe”. Now threatened, however, her continued participation in “Idol.”

on Monday, was 16-year-old in hospital after being hit by severe pains in the stomach. It is reported by TT. Exactly what Rebecka Karlsson has suffered is not established. However, she has felt himself sagging a couple of weeks.

She had to go in yesterday around noon with stomach pains. The doctors thought at first that it was the cecum, but now it has been proven that it was not what was wrong. Now guessing that it is some kind of infection in any internal organs. It may be the kidney, but it is not known. It is difficult to say how serious it is, ” says Anders Edholm, press officer for “Swedish Idol” on TV4.

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Whether Rebecka Karlsson may be in the “Idol” on Friday is for obvious reasons still unclear.

” We don’t really know if she can be with yet. She wants to so clearly stand that the we also but the doctors may determine if it is possible. But at this stage we have not made any decisions.

TV4 has already started planning for the fact that Rebecka Karlsson may not be able to perform during Friday’s finale. But exactly what measures can be taken know Anders Edholm has not yet as it has not previously occurred in any similar situation in the “Idol”.

” We don’t really know how we are going to do it this has not happened before. But we keep on looking at what is the best solution if it now is so that she can’t be with.

READ MORE: Rebekah’s revenge in the “Idol” after bullying

Anders Edholm myself have not talked with Rebecka Karlsson but tells us that a deltagaransvarig from the production are available with in the hospital.

” Rebecka is very sad of course, and very evil. It is the most difficult for her. Then she is stressed because she misses a lot of repetitionstid. Nevertheless she is determined to stand on the stage on Friday.

"Idol" is broadcast on TV4 on Friday at 20: 00.


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