To make an exciting and touching film about the boule may sound like a challenge, but Johannes Nyholm wanted to show up the magical pages of the sport Photo: Per Wahlberg
Nöjesartiklar Johannes Nyholm raises her arm and hurls a metal spheres with a concentrated gaze. It is a råkall morning in Majorna. In an abandoned industrial building has bouleklubben IFK Goteboule moved in.
would you like To play? he asks.
Johannes Nyholm has been playing pétanque since he will be 13. He explains the rules and so we run a round. It goes pretty.
- It is the right nicely with this sport that even the happy amateurs can play good sometimes, even if it does not get the same smoothness.
the Boule has a central role in the movie Giant where the main character Rikard train to win the nordic championships of boules. He is autistic and severely malformed and dream of being reunited with his mother, which he parted from when he was small.
Pétanque is an extremely simple game with a magical level, Sometimes it feels as if you can conjure, that it is possible to control the sphere of pure thought, ” says Johannes Nyholm.
Simple story a magical level. It could be a description of his film. At the same time as it is a straight story about the road to a championship and a the odd person who longs for love, so sleeps the film a layer of fantasy. In the kortväxte Richard’s dreams appear a fifty-metre giant and a sagoskimrande mountains.
- Richard is hit by infinitely many setbacks, but it opens up a small gap, he will find an “impossible” solution. In the movie, turns out the little man to be incredibly much larger than what everyone thinks.
it All began a feberdröm in Johannes Nyholms childhood.
” I had a kind of out-of-body experience, I could see on my body but I felt it, it felt as if I had been disconnected from the rest of the world.
ten years ago, he made a music video to the artist Tallest man on earth, a stage name he interpreted literally in the video where a giant step around and play a little guitar. He spun on the story of a parallel fantasy world, and soon had written a feature screenplay. It would take five more years before he picked up the script again, then he had contact with a Danish production company and could start refining.
It took much longer than when I wrote it the first time.
lead actor Christian Andrén, found Johannes Nyholm on a casting website when he was looking for people of small stature. Several were tested but Christian Andrén felt right with the a time.
” Then he showed himself also to be a magnificent actor.
Ansiktsmissbildningen in the movie is a mask, it took four hours to get in place.
- It is easy to think that the need to exaggerate when the face is covered by a thick mask, but it is so well executed that the ansiktsrörelserna propagated through it, you see the small nuances anyway.
Several of the starring in the movie, he got into contact with by means of daily activities for people with intellectual disabilities.
” It has been great fun to work with them. But it was important to not get instormande and start shooting, but instead create together. I needed to gain their trust so that they understood that I was not looking to paint up something that they can’t stand.
the Cast of characters is long and includes only a few professional actors, many have no skådespelarerfarenhet but play roles that are close to his own person.
” It was very important with boulespelarna for example, that they are credible. I notice in five seconds if they are real boulespelare. It should be apparent that we take the sport seriously.
He notes that the Giant is the first boulefilm, one of the few in the world. There was a French movie with Gerard Depardieu in the lead role a few years ago.
- A real turkey. The point is that there was some thoughts about the boule behind, there was no boulespelare who had done it.
the Facts: Johannes Nyholm
Born: 1974
Lives in: Gothenburg, sweden
Current: Långfilmsdebuten Giant with, among others, Christian Andrén, Johan Kylén, Anna Bjelkerud in the roles.
broke through with the short film Las Palmas.
the Next film, Koko-di, koko-da, are almost done with the scheduled premiere of a year. It becomes a chamber play about a couple trying to find their way back to each other in a tältsemester but ends up in a spiral of terror.
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