Monday, October 17, 2016

Nobel party is held regardless of Dylan’s response – Västerbottens-kuriren (the Courier)

A person has previously declined the Nobel prize in literature. The French writer and philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre declined the prize in 1964, as he said, to protect their freedom and independence. Akademiledamoten Lars Gyllensten claimed that He heard of several years later and wanted the prize money. But then it was too late.

The Russian author Boris Pasternak accepted the prize in 1958. However, later forced the Russian authorities for him to say no.

Several authors have missed the nobel day. It has been resolved with alternative programs. Harold Pinter and Elfriede Jelinek participated on the big screens. Doris lessing’s doctor advised her not to go. She then wrote a speech which her publisher read. When Tomas Tranströmer was awarded the prize made a programme on the basis of his poems, because the poet’s speech difficulties after a stroke.


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