Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Molly ringwald was threatened in his home – Aftonbladet

molly ringwald, 48, has taken a clear position in the issue of refugees.

It has resulted in hate and death threats.

” They were in my staircase and scrawled "We know where your children live," he says to Dagens Nyheter.

Comedian molly ringwald had enough of the acute refugee crisis, and has spent the last couple of years to get involved in the issue. A year ago, he published the famous picture of the drowned Aylan, 3, on Facebook, and urged their followers to donate money to people on the run.

In an interview with Today’s News tells Schyffert that he had received death threats because of his commitment.

– During the refugee crisis did I post on social media and became extremely påhoppad of the troll. I had to report it to the police death threats, they were in my staircase and scrawled "We know where your children live". Then it was a little scary. But then I realized that they are kind 150 people who are active, and set them outside the Coop in Town and let them yell in a megaphone, it is not so dangerous. But it is scary to get the hatväggen against, ” he says. SEE ALSO PLUS – a Lot of money has its drawbacks as well

molly ringwald think that the anger is based in disappointment.

” I think they were very disappointed that a guy from their team said against them. As people get so angry when Sven Melander defends Zara Larsson. He is a large, white, scanian, sextioårig man. "He should be with us!".

His upcoming one-man show "don’t be afraid" is all about fear. Among other things, for the refugee crisis and immigration.

The worst part is that the populist parties win in that people are afraid that there will come tens of thousands of muslims and rape people, despite the fact that it will not happen. We have accepted these fears as everyone wins – except us, ” he says.

Nöjesbladet have searched molly ringwald, via his press contact declines to comment further. SEE ALSO Here is Schyfferts unexpected new job


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