Saturday, August 16, 2014

Camilla Läckberg’s mark against Martin Melin – Aftonbladet

scenes around Sweden’s perhaps most Instagram duo has taken a new turn.

It was not enough to divorce Camilla Läckberg. Now avföljer star writer ex-husband Martin Melin on social media.

– We have taken a break from following each other on unstable for some time, said Läckberg avföljningen.

Martin Melin logged on Instagram this morning was a follower less – Limited availability Camilla Läckberg .

– We have taken a break from following each other on insta for a time, comments Läckberg avföljningen.

But it would be a matter of some turmoil strikes Läckberg well in a comment, writes Expressen.

– We are still both friends and family star. And that is to continue to be what we have break from following each other on insta during a time when a new come in, writes Läckberg on Instagram and refers to new love, MMA fighter Simon Shield .

As Nöjesbladet written about previously met the couple in May this year when love suddenly began to bloom between the two.

Bieber vs. Orlando

 Others who received a boot image via social media is Orlando Bloom . After rallarsvingarna against Justin Bieber on Ibiza la the Canadian popfenomenet a picture of Bloom where the actor pretending to cry. 1-0 Bieber.

Eric Saade vs Danny Saucedo, Molly Sandén

 When the news of the Danny Saucedo and Molly Sanden become a couple struck down so was Molly’s ex Eric Saade Do not be late to comment on the incident on Twitter. “Well, stop talking about that now. He is number two. As usual, “

Chelsea Handler vs. Kardashian

 Chelsea Handler directed a swipe at several of Kardashian- family’s ability to constantly lose the clothes when it’s time for new pictures on Instagram. “I’m a Kardashian” wrote comedian who comment for a picture when she herself did not have very many threads on the body.


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