Saturday, October 8, 2016

Arnold Schwarzenegger does not want to vote for Trump – financial times

Arnold Schwarzenegger has in the 2000s become a face for the Republicans.

But on Saturday, he made a u-turn on Twitter:

"For the first time since 1983, I will not vote on the Republican party’s candidate in the presidential election," he writes.

He has been a republican since he moved to the united states in 1968, but this year make Arnold Schwarzenegger a u-turn.

In a statement on Twitter he writes that he for the first time in its 33 year as an american citizen will not vote for the republican party candidate in the presidential election.

"as proud as I am to call myself a republican, so is there something I hold even higher to call me – american."

SEE ALSO After the scandal – the daughter pays tribute to Schwarzenegger

He talks about how he was attracted to the party of Richard Nixon’s words, to free themselves from

government influence, free trade and "a strong military to defend our freedom".

Between 2003 and 2011, he was the republican governor of California. But on Twitter, calls Arnold Schwarzenegger now their party colleagues to have a rethink ahead of the forthcoming presidential election.

"I want to remind my party colleagues that it is not only acceptable to select his country before his party – it is one’s duty".

SEE ALSO Schwarzenegger bribed the police – with a selfie


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