The last time Sweden was ruled by a non-bourgeois budget was in 2006. It was also the year when the magazine Neo, financed by the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise-founded the Foundation Free Enterprise, founded. It almost looked like a thought that the news of the Neo shut down came the same day as a social democratic finance minister once again put a budget that will survive parliament.
Neo was the Right popintellektuella flagship. “Is the closure defeat the bourgeoisie?” asked why Resumé on Monday. Editor Pauline Neuding responded somewhat diffuse on emptiness. Neo overall long as a broad bourgeoisie, from liberalism to conservatism. When you now put this bourgeois difficult decimated by historically lousy choices and difficult fragmented before the Sweden Democrats with the roots of Nazism. Just Paulina Neudings defense of the Avpixlat-tinged writer Marika Formgren, then still a member of Neos editorial board, is a dirty example of what is in danger direction.
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