“My first thought is: How can you live with yourselves? You woke up this morning and decided you to prevent families who have fled in the weeks / months to get to safety. What do you think you are? “Wrote Isabella” Blondinbella “Löwengrip in the post with heading” We must do everything “, published on her blog and Facebook page on Saturday night.
There was an immediate response to the anti-immigrant demonstration that the inhabitants of Tornio formed at the border to Sweden in order to prevent refugees.
► READ MORE: Blondinbella to protesters “Who do you think you are?”
– When I wrote the post I had no idea that this would be controversial and provoke. For me, this is my way to help and try to get people to wake up and realize that this is the people who are fleeing for their lives. Although integration is a super important issue that needs more discussion was a request from me to be more charitable, says Isabella Löwengrip to Metro.
She has received a wealth of positive comments, and over 12 000 people in writing, liked the post on Facebook. But after Tornio natives reached by the call has hotmejl begun to fall out of your inbox.
– The death threats came in last night, but then there have been lot of emails, especially from the men in the city.
Isabella Löwengrip has received death threats before, but says this is the worst she has been through, she never got so rough emails in the last days.
– I get pictures of women who have been murdered, located in frukansvärda positions and who have been raped, and it says that “If we continue to let them ISIS-men come into our countries, so this is the way your life will stop,” and so it is incredibly racist sentences .
– The racist transparency as this little clique in Tornio show I think is terribly scary. The e-mails came in last night and the night, but now it has been a backlash to it and now I get lot of emails from people in Finland who do not think like this, and I think well that it is important to point out that this xenophobic group, a minority.
► READ MORE 600 formed human wall at the Swedish border – towards refugees
Despite the emails and the slight shock she received before the hatred people carries on doing her good. She says it’s important to remember that hatred breeds hatred and believes that a major problem today is that our generation is not source-critical. Many swallows conspiratorial things and outright lies that are online and sinker.
– It comes to learning to be critical and not believe everything one picks up, for there are things that breeds racism .
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