Wednesday, September 30, 2015

- Now peaks we as polluters – Aftonbladet

Filip and Fredrik laps globe three times in the new tour program – but it has a price.

With flights leaving the duo a carbon footprint equivalent to several persons emissions in a year .

– I think we peaks as polluters, says Fredrik Wikingsson.

The hosts Filip Hammar , 40, and Fredrik Wikingsson , 42, is a success in Channel 5′s “Around the World in 6 steps”, where they without using its network of contacts to seek a famous person by a maximum of six steps. The challenge takes the duo three times around the world.

READ ALSO Plus Filip & amp; Fredrik: “It can become a super crack”

An average Swedish emits about 5.5 tons of carbon dioxide per person per year. Emissions from the duo’s flight (160 hours) is equivalent to the total emissions to get to 24 tons of carbon dioxide per person.

– Never have I and Philip traveled so much in so little time. I think we are peaks that polluters. On the other hand peaks that we also creators. It is fortunate that the program has been so well received, otherwise I measure even worse, says Fredrik Wikingsson.

Is ecologist

He explains that the fees paid for carbon offsetting.

– It is one of the first things we said, there is something very good in this format, but it will be a hell of a lot of traveling. What can you do about it? Well, you can do something called carbon offsetting. We have at least made.

Is there a cheap way to buy themselves a good conscience?

– I think it’s a pretty expensive way to buy his freedom. But there are things you do now. There is the usual straw to the stack.

According to a researcher at KTH are your emissions 24 tons of carbon dioxide per person, while the average Swede releases 5.5 tons per year. What do you feel about it?

– It is an abstract figure almost. I can not sit and say “it’s too damn” because then I would have shit in doing so. I get to have some balls and say … Someone may well invent an electric aircraft soon. I hope for the lot. Things happen with electricity.

Discussed you and Filip environmental aspects?

– Yes, of course. I am “outad” ecologist. It would be absolutely ridiculous if I had not weighed in this. Of course I do.

– We were at least only five people. SVT had made this program had been spent twice as much staff. There is a strength in that we have a small team on the basis of this way of looking at it, he said.

Do you have bad climate conscience in general?

– Haha, what should I say? It’s a lose-lose situation purely rhetorically if I say that I am good in general. But I do things that are completely obvious. I am exactly as good or bad as the general public.

Have you had any reactions regarding the environmental aspect of the program?

– Not yet. And I was expecting to get it earlier. But I guess it is normal that they had done a crappy program, it would have been worse. There is probably also a value in seeing how the world looks.

“We start with the idea”

Wikingsson mean that it is impossible to take creative decisions utfrån example, environmental aspects.

– You can weigh in so afterwards, but we start with the idea and what could be a story. Then we can think ‘what can we do about it deplorable when it comes to climate change? “. We can offset and has at least done it.


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