Tuesday, January 31, 2017

New tv series on Bonusfamiljens challenges – Sveriges Radio

Lisa Bergström: “the Children are absolutely amazing.”

Almost all of the big family in the SVT series “Bonusfamiljen” Photo: Ulrika Malm/SVT

Bonusfamiljen called Svt’s new series, created by couple Felix Herngren and Clara Herngren and Felix’s sister, Moa Herngren. In the following we nyförälskade Lisa and Patrick with children from previous relationships who has just become a partner. Lisa Bergström seen in conversation with Kulturnytts Jenny Teleman.

Bonusfamilj sounds tjorvigt and difficult, it is a heavy series?

– It is a dramakomedi. And yes, these questions about the new family constellation is important and difficult. And it is actually nice to get tan for them, “says Lisa Bergström and continues:

” What we see in the series is the nyförälskade the pair as a bit egotistical to expect or perhaps want, to omvärden to be just as excited about their love as they. And it is not. The children have not chosen the new situation. Not the dumped man Martin either. New house, new rules, new people and constellations. It is, of course, difficult.

– in Addition, Lisa and Patrik in a hurry in his fervent desire that everything should be okay anyway and that they should be a lovely family. Patrik goes by so fast that he calls jokingly to his own son William and bonusbarnet Eddie for the twins.

– But there are some things that chafe and interfere. As a fine sidoberättelse if two of the therapists, played by Johan Ulvesson and Ann Petren, Lisa and Patrick go to. The conversations become redundant. We understand anyway.

” The big problem for the series is actually the shape and the rhythm. But after a few episodes it feels like to Bonusfamiljen starting to get a bit more confidence and it gets more scenes than just rapping fun quick repartee. And it is nice. And sometimes it becomes funny for real.

And the actors?

” the Children are absolutely fantastic, not least Eddie who is played by Frank Dorsin, and William of James o’connor. And hold on you! Lillbabs and Marianne Mörck, who plays the dumped bittre småtragiske Martin’s mother and friend, they are so delightfully beguiling and as a sober mirror when the parents break down.

“I am glad that there will be a season to so that the bonusfamiljen can get mature and develop,” says Lisa Bergström.


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