Saturday, January 21, 2017

The part in Molly Sandéns picture arouse great anger – Expressen

the Artist Molly Sandén, 24, posted a picture where she is seen smoking on Instagram.

In the picture, she writes that she feels she must live up to an ideal that is not healthy or compatible with how she is in private.

Now, the react several of her followers on the image.

“you Live life when you smoke? No, a shortening of life,” wrote one person.

It was during the Friday evening Molly Sandén up a picture on Instagram. In the picture she is seen smoking while she stands together with the artist Miriam Bryant, 25.

the image type Molly Sandén:

“I have for a long time known that I must live up to an ideal that is not healthy…That is not socially compatible with how I actually is. Yes, I smoke sometimes. Yes, I get full sometimes (Or often). I am 24 years old and I live my life. I’m young and want to create my preferences NOW. I want to be ugly. I want to be beautiful. I want to be EVERYTHING. And it wish I every single one of you also.

the Image has at the time of writing, almost 12 000 likes and hundreds of comments.

READ MORE: Anger after Molly Sandéns image

But several are critical to the image:

“Why is there a need to show 10-year-olds that it’s okay to smoke/drink themselves drunk or whatever it may be, it is probably those who are cheering over this post. Why stand up for a stick that only contains the dangerous chemicals and damaging not only yourself but also the people in oneís environment,” wrote one person.

another person is on the same track:

“I understand that you are honest but when you are an idol for several, so you should be careful with what you write. To smoke and be drunk hurt the body, you do not want your fans do as you are doing or? Think a little before you write.”

But Molly Sandén has also received great support for the picture. Several of her followers support Molly and says that she is “the best”.

“Love you and have been for several years,” wrote one person.

READ MORE: Molly Sandén start the fight against smalhets

Additional followers is on that Molly Sandén does not have chosen to be someone’s role model, and that she ought to live her life exactly as she wants.

“So nice that Molly may be the she is, an awesome role model, strong woman but on their own terms. She in the bargain is an amazing artist, a normbrytare, a beautiful creature inside and out and possesses a strength that I wish all. She has just as much right to smoke and drink in front of their many followers as someone without any followers,” wrote one person.

Molly Sandén was during the last spring, also in the fire when she put up a picture where she appeared to smoke. Then, several of her followers on the same track as now.

“She is a role model and then, you should not smoke,” wrote one person.


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