Thursday, January 26, 2017

RIGHT NOW: the Trip to Sweden took three days – the Express newspaper

the SVT journalist Fredrik Önnevall risk imprisonment for the suspicion that he smuggled a 15-year-old syrian boy to Sweden.

On Thursday asked Önnevall, and a further two in the team behind the SVT series “Homeland” tried in the Malmö district court.

It is a much-publicized legal cases that will now be settled by the Swedish courts. Many have already predicted that the case will ultimately end up in the Supreme court for a precedent-setting ruling.

But first out is the Malmö district court to judge the possibly criminal in to help a 15-year-old flyktingpojke to get to Sweden.

” Take me with you!

It was as the country boy said when he met the Swedish tv-team .

“Hanging on me”

” I was confronted with a situation that I have not done before as a journalist, that everything is so clearly hung up on me and my colleagues and someone also appealed directly to me, Fredrik Önnevall himself expressed the matter of the TT.

the Incident took place in the spring of 2014 when Fredrik Önnevall, a researcher and a tv photographer was in Greece for the recording to the TV series “Homeland”.

The country boy had plans to throw down on a flatbed truck in the speed to get from Greece to Sweden.

the Boy’s appeal and Önnevalls considerations was recorded by SVT-the photographer. The boy was later to follow with the Swedish tv-team through Europe to Sweden.

the Whole drama has since been shown on SVT.

It ended up to be about journalism and it was rather: What must I do as a human being? have Önnevall said.

He considered that he had no choice and knew that the boy could die if not the Swedish tv-team stretched out a hand.

Notification of suspicion

But prosecutor Kristina Amilon delivered early the parties involved the suspicion of a crime. She believes that the SVT team jointly and in consensus, either intentionally assisted an alien to pass over several borders, and finally let him come in in Sweden, despite the fact that the 15-year-old missing passport or other valid document.

the Behaviour is in violation of the aliens act and, therefore, has Fredrik Önnevall and his colleagues have been prosecuted for human trafficking – a crime that normally can lead to a prison sentence not exceeding two years. Deemed the crime as a grave is six years of imprisonment in the punishment scale.

In the Swedish law says nothing about the humanitarian exception, but in the underlying EU directive, it is mentioned that such an exception may be made in practice.

It is this that may later be decided in the Supreme court, according to several legal experts.


The 15-year-old boy has today reached the age of 17 years and living with a permanent residence permit in Sweden. He has gotten hit his family, goes to high school and speaks fluent Swedish.

In the courtroom may Fredrik Önnevall see the boy again – because he was summoned by the prosecutor to testify about the trip to Sweden.

When the trial starts, planned a demonstration outside the court to support the three defendants. Aimed at key demand is that the government should legalize medmänniskosmuggling.

the Hearing in Malmö are followed by several foreign tv companies, who believe that it is a “human-touch story” is well worth watching.

the UNION’s position to the member states

the European Union, in a report, published on 3 march 2016, has taken a directive that the member states has to prosecute the humanitarian human trafficking. However, the directive from 2002, and provides an opportunity for member states not to impose penalties against persons who facilitate illegal entry or transit if the aim is to provide humanitarian aid to migrants,


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