Celebrated in the sms-group and met for the party
Filmteamets blixtinkallade party.Photo: Peter Jansson
Rolf Lassgård screamed right out when he got the news.
Then, the team behind "A man called Ove" celebrated in his private text messages-group – and in a blixtinkallad party.
– It feels quite magical, of course, absolutely fantastic, ” says Rolf Lassgård.
the Whole four Swedish contributions have a chance to win an Oscar this year. Including "A man called Ove" for the best foreign language film. Since then, the team’s phones gone warm.
– It has been a really bombardment here, ” says co-star Rolf Lassgård, 61.
He burst out in a glädjevrål when he got the news.
Had you expected this?
– We have over for the premiere in New York and also in Los Angeles now, that we had received figures that it is the most watched foreign film in the united states, when we ended up on the shortlist, we got the hope, absolutely, ” he says.
you Will be in place at the gala?
– Yes, that’s what I hope. We have not talked about the go than. I got a hold on Bahar (Pars, 37) now, she is as happy as I am.
Bahar celebrates – with jobs
Bahar Pars tells Aftonbladet that the team is scattered, but they celebrated in a private sms group. In the evening celebrating her with job: "the marriage of Figaro" at the royal dramatic theatre in the evening.
– We have a text thread where we send to each other, everyone is so spread out. It is clear you think what’s going to happen now, what should I have on me? It is inevitable to think so, I really hope that I get to go. I see this as a matter of course, ” she says.
Party at the production company
Hannes Holm found himself on his production when he received the news that Ove been nominated, where he gathered a core group from the film crew after the announcement: Rolf Lassgård, Bahar Pars, the mower Fredrik Morheden, photographer andrew Johnson and producer Annika Helander.
– There were small bottles of bubbly in the galley, so we are now gathering and trying to digest it all in a scandinavian way. I don’t know where things will go, ” he says to Nöjesbladet.
He was startled and surprised when he received the news.
– I sat in a room and worked on a project and heard a roar from the next room, I tried to keep a cool head, I was very surprised. The first thing I thought of was Trollhättan and the whole gang stood and yanked on a radhusgata with this film, ” he says.
"I Hope I can go on galan"
He and Rolf Lassgård has followed the film’s success abroad.
– There are Instagramkonton, and so we have been talking with the audience at the screenings, they have laughed and wept, there is no one who can defend themselves, ” says Rolf Lassgård.
In november he recorded "The dead detective" for the SVT in the other, he has been around the world with just "A man called Ove".
– I have decided to take it a little quiet for a while now, to recharge my batteries. When the gala is held, it is two years since the Ove-the journey began. I have done much over the years, ” he says.
Bahar Pars believe that it is the many layers in the story that enthralled moviegoers.
– the Friendship between Parvaneh and Ove, integration, ove’s loneliness, it’s on so many different levels. It is such a fine history, it is inevitable not to fall for it, ” she says.
READ ALSO theCheer Ove and the Swedish film!
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