Friday, December 26, 2014

Gather around something we believe in “- Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet

As early as December 24 was “The Interview”, slapstick comedy that makes fun of the North Korean leader, to rent on the internet. This made it hilarious portrayal of Kim Jong-un year’s perhaps most famous American film release, as it only days earlier seemed to have been doomed to not appear at all.

In just a few weeks reached “The Interview” highest snackis level in the US, since Sony just before Christmas decided withdraw the film due to the American cinema chains did not want to show it. The reason is said to have been the threat of attacks from North Korea, which intensely desired stop the movie.

In “The Interview”, by and with the comedian Seth Rogen, traveling Rogen’s character, a television producer, and his closest colleague, talk show host Dave Skylark, to North Korea to interview Kim Jong-un after having discovered that the North Korean leader is a devoted fan of their show Skylark Tonight.

When the CIA learns plans persuaded the two television journalists to carry out an attack on Kim where he will be poisoned with a specially prepared patches.

But once in place in Pyongyang track the most quickly from and Dave Skylark quickly becomes friends with Kim, who lets him run the tank and party with the North Korean leader’s private entourage.

Slapstick Jokes, outrageous exaggerations and coarse sexreferenser stands cats and dogs throughout the movie.

Nevertheless transformed “The Interview” to big politics just before Christmas when the FBI claimed to have held that it was North Korea was behind the widespread hacking attack earlier in the autumn against Sony Pictures, the company behind the film. In the attack was sabotaged Sony Pictures’ computer networks and amounts of confidential and internal information leaked.

President Barack Obama himself commented just before Christmas Sony’s decision not to show the film that “we can not have a society where a dictatorship may decide to impose censorship in the United States. “

The argument quickly took hold, and in just a few days could Sony secure agreements with a number of Internet companies and independent cinemas, which jointly began to show the film during the holiday season.

Suddenly it was not just the film’s low jokes and parodic portrayal of the world’s most closed dictatorship that attracted Americans to the cinema – to see it also seemed transformed into a symbolic action in support of freedom of expression .

From New York to the east to Los Angeles in the west queued Americans on Christmas night to see “The Interview”.

– I can not think of a better place to spend this night than here, with like-minded people gather around something we strongly believe commented moviegoer Julia Paredes in Los Angeles to New York Times.

Around 330 stand-alone movie theaters in the US, many of them small salons, reported to have begun to show the film on Christmas Day. On YouTube and some other Internet services went on to see the night before.

Sony Pictures is expected to “The Interview” is unlikely to be any box office hit since it was released on the internet before it was shown at the cinema. Counterfeits were out there on the net hours after it has been released online, reported The Hollywood Reporter. According to one estimate expected the film withdraw two million US dollars over the Christmas holidays.


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