Friday, August 5, 2016

Captain Fantastic gives a bout of exhaustion contempt – Sveriges Radio

The Food Store. A greasy fictional corral, disguised as an ocean of possibilities where the saturated fat dressed up and dressed to the pleasant characters to hide the product dubious effect on one’s bowels. Maybe there is a sporty but cunning pirate crocodile on the cereal box. A perfume with the scent of a sexy but somewhat confused clown panda robot, or a teen-queen-pink-makeup-prinsesstårts cream that keeps you forever young. Squinting slightly with the eyes and magazine shelves have suddenly melted into a disarmed, snow-white smile which reveals how there really is something to gossip about. Maybe not the most optimistic worldview, but it’s all the same as the father Ben sees the outside world, in the bioaktuella movie “Captain Fantastic – A different father.”

It is easy to believe that the film “Captain Fantastic” is part of the waterfalls of superhero movies that Hollywood churning out the last 10 years, but here it is almost the opposite. In the film, Viggo Mortensen plays the highest human father Ben, who with his wife has chosen to distance themselves from the hyper-commercial community and move out into the forest to raise their six children. They hunt, cultivate, practice and teach their children all about survival. A seemingly perfect paradise without push notifications, Black-Friday and mineral water to the taste of chocolate. But when Ben’s wife Leslie takes suicide because of a long, clinical depression, everything changes. When Ben also gets to know that he and his six children are not welcome at the funeral, he is forced to make a choice. To stay in the forest, or to go to the funeral and thus exposing them to the messy, superficial world he has tried to protect them from.

Personality stakes are fantastic in this film and it shows that the director Matt Ross is a former actress herself in including American Psycho and the Aviator. The six precocious kids succeed, along with his father Ben, form a family with frightening as values, but very different characters and each family member kept really apart, unlike many similar family stories, where characters like smeared together into a familjecarbonara of personalities. Viggo Mortensen looks like that wonderfully hardened like just Viggo Mortensen can do, and for me, Captain Fantastic perhaps best summer feelgood film about the emotional roller-coaster as the loss of a family member means, if self-chosen isolation and especially about the fact you can read all the books in the world, and yet not know anything.


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