She chose to stop selling Katerina Janouchs books after the author’s immigration policy statements.
Now it has publicized the decision led to the bookseller Eija Lietoff Schüssler dödshotats.
“I stand for the choice I made,” she says.
– There is a move to take the honor and glory of me, ” says Katerina Janouch.
The Czech tv-interview with Katerina Janouch published by channel DVTV on Monday has led to a fierce debate about the Swedish author’s description of the situation in today’s Sweden.
While she paints a picture of a society that collapsed because of mass immigration call the second her statements xenophobic.
READ MORE: Harsh criticism against Janouchs flyktingutspel
Now has a local barnbokhandel in Uppsala parked right in the line of fire for those who support Katerina Janouch.
the Reason is that booksellers Eija Lietoff Schüssler on Wednesday chose to pick away Katerina Janouchs children’s books from their range, and as a contribution to the debate, she chose to write about the decision on the bookstore’s Facebook page.
“I have nothing against the books themselves, they are harmless – but her name is associated with a worldview and a political opinion that I want to take away from,” says Eija Lietoff Schüssler.

Janouch: Sending out unpleasant signals
the Post spread quickly and led to massive criticism against the privately-owned bookstores at the same time as Mrs Lietoff Schüssler was accused of censorship and violation of freedom of expression.
– There are many who say that I am undemocratic, but anyone who writes children’s books do not have any democratic right to be sold in my bookstore. I run a private business and all the books that I sell I have personally chosen to sell, ” says Eija Lietoff Schüssler.
But Katerina Janouch see the boycott of her books as a way to smear her:
” of Course she is free to sell what she wants, but I feel that there is a move to take the honor and glory of me.
READ MORE: “Publishers should not be åsiktspoliser”
She continues:
” I think it is a fascist method, and this was how it worked in the 1930s in Germany, burned books from them, not shared opinions with. I think it sends incredibly unpleasant signals, it is a way to try to stifle a voice.
“I have received death threats and våldtäktshot”
the Bookstore’s decision to remove the Katerina Janouchs books has led to several unknown people dödshotat Eija Lietoff Schüssler via phone calls, text messages and messages over the internet and threatened to rape her.
” I’ve got shocking many aggressive reactions. These people talk about that they feel unsafe and scared because of the murders and rapes in the society and I can understand that. But then, I have received death threats and våldtäktshot, so I think this is very bizarre, ” says Eija Lietoff Schüssler.
Katerina Janouch is shocked by the violent reactions and believe they are unacceptable.
” I would really encourage people to consider what they are doing, this woman must obviously not have any death threats or the kind of confrontations. It’s crazy that it raises, this type of power, but it shows a bit how crazy it has become in Sweden, ” she says.
READ MORE: Janouch requires Wolodarskis departure
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