Monday, January 9, 2017

Zygmunt Bauman is dead – bbc Radio

Zygmunt Baumans genomslagsverk for a large audience was Auschwitz and the modern society. , Where he shows, among other things, how the holocaust was a consequence of modern society, and not a coincidence. Over-reliance on rationality was what enabled the holocaust, he said.

Zygmunt Bauman wrote a number of books on the modern society, and backsides. How our quest for individual happiness had a high price and done, we have lost our roots in history. Bauman wrote about a floating state where we lost sight of fundamental values such as solidarity and humanity which he believes is one of the prerequisites of a democratic society.

He was also one of the thinkers who reintroduced the concept of a prekariat, in the public debate to describe our time and the societal challenges of growing social inequalities. A new class that lives at the side of the society and that as a result of unemployment never get to take part of the tillväxtekonomins good sides.

Some of his most important books are also Postmodern ethics (1996), The individualized society (2002), Liquid fear (2007), Liquid love (2003) and Konsumtionsliv (2008).

Zygmunt Bauman was active as a professor at the universities in Warsaw, Tel Aviv and Leeds and was a popular lecturer until his death. Later in the fall, he filled the Berns salonger in Stockholm when he was invited by the association of jewish culture.


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