Erik Blix awarded National Press Club prize Golden Pen 2014.
The accuracy, finesse and smart, sharp satire rewarded on Monday evening when the National Press Club awards its prize Golden Pen 2014 to journalist and radio personality Erik Blix, with programs P4 Extra Weekend and Good Morning World.
– I am very, very, very happy. I unfold right out go-away-suit. I’ve known about it for a while, so I’ve gotten used to me but my first reaction was “huh! I?”. One does not expect the Golden Pen should go to a radio guy who likes to live broadcasts, writing skits and raking script. But I am proud and happy, says Erik Blix, some time before the award ceremony.
The National Press Club president Björn Hager writes in a press release that he is especially pleased to highlight satire.
– Golden Pen is stylistically the price. And it’s especially fun to this year highlight a stylistically clever satirist and well-informed journalistic humorist. Satire is a difficult restrained, important and popular genre that is often
The prize committee raises the satire’s role in journalism, becoming Erik Blix extra happy.
– The is great that you want to reward this genre. I have been burning for all my journalistic life that there should be a space for topical satire, to create such programs has been a common theme in everything I have done, says Erik Blix.
Erik Blix points out, however carefully that there are many others who are involved in that he gets the price.
– I have many sounding board in my work, it is always also others merit when something becomes good.
Last year’s Golden Pen went to writer and columnist Lena Andersson.
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