Sunday, December 14, 2014

Musikhjälpen hit a record – UNT

Musikhjälpens last day in Uppsala offered one of the more emotional moments during the week – Karolina and Emil Source’s wedding. In front of a visibly moved audience and witnesses Kodjo Akolor and Petter Alexis Askergren they said “yes” in the cage. Since sang Sarah Dawn Finer “Love Show” for them, while Kodjo Akolor acted babysit her son Loki.

– It was absolutely amazing. Incredibly feel all the love from the audience, said Karolina Kallstrom afterwards.

Emil works as a firefighter and got a call from Karolina an hour before the auction to get married in the program went out .

– Then came an alarm. I could just say “invite what you think is reasonable – just run”.

They did not tell any of his friends and acquaintances until five minutes before they went into the studio.

– The money we would have put on a wedding can now make great use instead. And then we’ll have a big party for all of us, says Karolina Kallstrom.

This year’s theme was to stop the spread of HIV and the challenge to beat last year’s record of 28.4 million . The seventh edition of the Music Aid became the first outside Malmö and Gothenburg. Everywhere it has skramlats with guns and the number of commitment – initiatives to donate money – has been more than ever before.

Prime Minister Stephen Löfvens (S) appeared in the midst of the current government crisis and optional. Later, even the person who most likely will be his greatest political opponents, Anna Kinberg Batra (M), a visit to the glass cage.

The boy band The Fooo Conspiracy drew large and loud crowds and many established artists such as Jill Johnson, Ola Salo and Peter Jöback has occurred. Meanwhile, newer names like Silvana Imam, Beatrice Eli and OIAM taken the chance to prove themselves.

UPDATED. On Sunday evening was a chock-full of love square that met the three presenters when they were released.

Peter talked about the responsibility those living in privileged countries.

– It is our fucking task of giving.

Linnea Henriksson held a widely publicized speech during the week of inequality and stigma surrounding HIV, which was played for the crowd in the square.

– It is so important to dare to talk about it, she said.

Radiohjälpen Secretary General Byman was noticeably taken when he went up the scene.

– It is quite unlikely. Thank you all! This really love square – love the square.

Whole gathered 30,489,975 crowns in, more than ever before in Musikhjälpen.

– It was so many people. Uppsala was fantastic. There was always someone who was outside the cage. At five o’clock in the morning it was like ten people who danced out here, ‘said Peter.

– I think we all are proud to have raised this question. But now there must be quiet !, said Linnea Henriksson.

KodjoAkolor this was the fourth time he led programs Musikhjälpen.

– I think I was a little more aware. But it’s like a roller coaster in the summer. One easily forgets those parts that are not so funny. Then next summer are left in the queue again.


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