Still from bioaktuella Spotlight. The film depicts the Boston Globe’s disclosure of the Catholic Church’s pedophilia scandal. Photo: Universal.
The last two years has several depictions of journalism appeared on the silver screen. From Nightcrawler (2014) – where Jake Gyllenhaal’s borderline psychotic frilanskameraman showcases media industry’s darkest pages – True Story (2015) – depicting the liability of a journalist accused of fabrication – the Trainwreck (2015), where Amy Schumer play a writer on a trashy man’s magazine.
And so Spotlight, which premiered yesterday, the film recounts the true story of how the investigative journalists at the Boston Globe did the ultimate scoop in early 2002, when they revealed the major pedophile scandal in the Catholic Church Boston, which was to lead to an international crisis of Catholicism.
the film – has been hailed by critics and received six Oscar nominations, including for best film – going in the same classical tradition Watergate drama All the president’s men ( 1976), where the heroic journalism in truth and public service are the focus. It is a story that could easily be too splendid or sensation-seeking, but the design of the scoop getting away with all the Hollywood clichés. They succumb neither to moralism, sex or violence. Left is an exceptionally captivating look at the importance of good journalism.
It’s a story that could easily be too splendid or sensation-seeking, but the design of the scoop getting away with all the Hollywood Clichés .
Spotlight is named after digging the editors of the Boston Globe, which still exists and where the Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter Michael Rezendes (played by Mark Ruffalo) still works . Although the film does not have a role, and although Rezendes Spotlight colleagues – Walter Robinson (Michael Keaton), Sacha Pfeiffer (Rachel McAdams) and Marty Baron (Liev Schreiber) – really are as important to the story, it Ruffalos role bet with the most attention, and rendered an Oscar nomination for best Supporting Actor.
Award winning Spotlight reporter Michael Rezendes (left) together with the actor Mark Ruffalo. Photo: Universal.
Recent Rezendes has been flooded with calls from colleagues who want to get his views on the revelation that film. I get hold of him when he’s just returned from a European tour. And his enthusiasm for Ruffalo knows no boundaries.
– There is probably no other actor on the planet who could have done a better job. He worked very hard and spent several days with me, both in my home and in the newsroom. He asked personal questions, which initially made me a little rejection, but then I realized that this is exactly what I always personally do as a reporter.
Mark Ruffalos confirms Rezendes comment:
– Michael kept me first at arms length, which is common when to portray people. Often they do not trust ‘Hollywood’, so you have to fight against prejudices and show that you have their welfare in mind. It’s scary when your life ends up on the silver screen.
The film follows digging the editorial work to uncover what first appears to apply to an individual priest sexual abuse, as well as Archbishop Bernard Francis Law’s blackout of same. But soon it turns out that being part of a huge pedophile ring within the Catholic Church in Boston.
difficulties to get into this power department were big, mean Rezendes.
– Just like all other religions in the United States is the Catholic Church exempt from the requirement to publish the document in the way an agency, a company or nonprofit organization must do. So they’re both very secret and absolutely the most powerful institution in Boston. The thought of approaching them was overwhelming.
Rezendes never thought it could be a movie of it all.
– What I do is not very suitable for film. Or, at least it was what I thought. How do you make an interesting movie about writing, reading documents, talking on the phone, knock on doors and get the same doors shut in your face. But he thinks that director Tom McCarthy – who is also an actor and portrayed a journalist in the final season of the television series The Wire – have managed to achieve a rare authenticity.
– The addition in a period when good journalism is substantial financial risk.
the fact that so many sexual child abuse has taken place in just the Catholic Church, not only in Boston but across the world, believe Rezendes has to do with priests celibatkrav .
I do not mean celibacy creates pedophilia, but it creates a culture of secrecy, which is also included in the movie.
– I do not mean celibacy creates pedophilia, but it creates a culture of secrecy, which is also included in the film. The Catholic Church’s eyes are six errors unless the purpose is procreation, and priests are expected to abstain from sex altogether. But because priests are people and people libido, probably has half of all Catholic clergy sex. Some have it with women, some with male and some with children. All six of the priests are forbidden, so no one will gossip about someone’s sex life, which means that the Catholic Church is a great place for pedophiles to hide. In addition, the priesthood many opportunities to meet children.
Mark Ruffalo think that the responsibility is shared by many, since the abuse was allowed to continue for so long.
Right Boston was the failure of the media, the police, the judiciary, the school, the Catholic community, yes, punching the entire power structure. They all had a part in that it lasted so long.
– I think it has to do with a submission to the ideologies and institutions of power. Right in Boston, it was a failure of the media, the police, the judiciary, the school, the Catholic community, yes, punching the entire power structure. They all had a part in that it lasted so long.
The impact of the disclosure is something that Rezendes not believe they can reach back over his career, although he made a lot of other acclaimed digging job.
– Certainly the Catholic Church has taken some steps toward reform, the Vatican has launched a special commission studying the issue and set up a tribunal to hold bishops accountable. But the main impact of our exposure is probably the level of awareness of the problem. Thanks to our work has literally tens of thousands of victims around the world have been able to step forward and tell their stories, and get a sense of liberation. In addition, it has meant that thousands of children are not abused, which would otherwise have been. And one of the most amazing things about the film is that it gives all our work a second life.
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3 other good hack movies
All the president’s men (1976)
greatest! Robert Redford and Dustin Hoffman as Woodward and Bernstein, lowers Richard Nixon through the Watergate scandal.
Frost / Nixon (2008)
As a totally independent continuation. Both Michael Sheen and Frank Langella are luminous in this drama about British journalist David Frost’s famous interviews with the then publicly humiliated Nixon.
Broadcast News (1987)
fine-tuned romantic comedy about life on a television newsroom. Hailed by the press corps to be very authentic.
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