There are scenes of kids from the music school and the major festivals. But the scenes of the music in between is drastically reduced, according to a new report released at the Way Out West.
Fun The number of stages for live music is drastically reduced, according to a new report released on Thursday at the Way Out West. Time to introduce an organizer support, writes Joppa Pihlgren, operations manager, the Association Live Music Sweden.
Swedish pop music is world famous . In relation to our population, we are best in class and popular music is a major export success. It is often explained by Sweden’s good infrastructure for learning music. In adult education and culture schools are opportunities for music performers, and this starts the process for most people.
But what happens then? In the recent report we continue playing pop (but we’re about to die) described the gap that emerged between scenes for amateurs and for professionals.
Venues missing
Summer Sweden is certainly full of festivals that draw large numbers of visitors. But the lack of venues of recreation scene and the Way out West. The number of live scenes is drastically reduced. Local music clubs strikes again. The gap is filled to some extent recognized by volunteer organizer compounds, minimized Gager for the artists and the constant search for sponsorship. But it’s not enough. The void is draining slowly Swedish musical life.
A key reason is the distorted perception of popular music. It is as though pop music does not fit in the culture parlor, where the classic forms of culture guard their interests. Pop music is equated with music that is popular – and music that is popular equated with music that is economically profitable. There is also a perception that Pop is just for young people.
Many genres
But pop music contains a wide range of cultural expressions, both commercial and experimental, and everything in between. It involves many different genres and it is about musicians and scenes that enrich Swedish cultural life. Pop music should therefore cultural policy equated with cultural forms such as classical music, theater and dance. But it’s not.
Compare with sport. What would happen if we suddenly abolished all the junior competitions, if there were no clear steps between the width and peak?
In several European countries, including Britain and Germany, have already drawn attention to this dilemma and put into action (we is not best in class in this area). Even in some places in Sweden, for example, in Kalmar County and Norrbotten, made efforts to support local organizers and performers. But this is the exception rather than the rule. A study from Borlänge shows that 184 of the 290 municipalities do not have any bets on pop music.
This is needed:
If we want the organizers and venues throughout the country, measures are needed:
+ Faced with a specially bound public support for local arrangements in popular music, or abolish the genre division that exists in practice and gives some genres more support than others.
+ Jämställ popular music with other forms of culture in the state cultural policy with regard to culture, in various policy documents and guidelines for cultural interaction model.
There are a formidable force in popular music. A support would provide new jobs for artists, enrich the cultural offerings of the community, creating economic and social value and build new bridges between popmusikpyramidens base and top. It would be a good investment for the future, both economically and socially.
Footnote . The report we continue playing pop (but we’re about to die) is released on the Way out West of the compound Live Music Sweden, Moks, music and cultural union cooperation organization, and the Study Promotion Association.
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