Through our faces, we take impressions and express – they make us individuals.
But the faces have also been used to group and sort people, take away their individuality.
If this was Maja Hager’s scholars and a little scary summer programs.
Maja Hagerman last year came out with a book about Hjalmar Lundborg (1868-1943). He was rasbiologen that the parliamentary mandate, mind, examined and photographed thousands of people, mainly in northern Sweden. The aim was to sort and rank people according to “quality”. You know, the Nazis thought and then had sales in practice.
While working on the book devoted Hagerman very many hours to studying Lundborgs photographs and she came to be fascinated by all these faces, which is the reason for her choice of subject. Bokliv New discoveries reveal ancient Sweden
Initially, She philosophical and quite slow, giving us thoughts and perspectives. What we are characterized by our faces? Would have had a different life if it had been different? Yes, probably in some sense. And our facial features are the inherited, the result of a genetic raffle with the contribution of millions of people – also the fascinating given that practically no people who lived before the 1800s are portraits, like depicted yet available in our noses, hårfästen and so on .
Around the middle of the program do so Hagerman a god in the Roman Empire, and the program has a different character. The Roman Empire was the Mediterranean an inland sea but the sharper the border went along the river Rhine. North of Rehn lived Teutons, the Romans imagined uncivilized and a single strain. The Roman Tacitus wrote a book, “Germania”, which came to be preserved to the days when it could be printed and distributed books.
I do not here reveal how but Hagerman strikes late elegant arch from the Roman misty conceptions of the Germans, through the Middle Ages and the 1700s and back to Lundborg – and the Nazis. What she says is learned and it’s scary, because it shows how tenacious the idea of better and worse kinds of people. And Hagerman says: The bubbling under the surface still in our time.
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