Monday, August 8, 2016

The artist talks about his sex life in “Summer in P1″ – Expressen

As a novel radio.

Anna Ternheim impresses with an odd sommarprat.

As a 25-year-old was Anna Ternheim at a crossroads. Instead of investing in the studies, she chose to throw himself into a successful music career.

In his sommarprat, she has chosen a different approach. It feels namely as a really good novel in radio form. She builds up the story about the love of producer Andreas that caused her to take the step toward artistry. They find each other a nippy Stockholm Severe and scenes conveyed in cafes and restaurants which lead to gigs with beer inside the vest, and finally ends up in bed are vivid and pure literary terms.

I will be mesmerized by the beautiful portrayal of love and doubts, all with a backdrop of recordings and rough handling over many.

READ MORE: Anna Ternheim on doubts about the career choice

There are not many who throws descriptions of their sex life in “Summer in P1″ so it is a welcome and somewhat surprising topic. Anna Ternheim make it as she tells it to a good friend, giving a funny intimacy.

There is a fine

passage of recently deceased Olle Ljungström as she played the opening act for. She describes how he could mesmerize an entire room, but also be cursed and provoked. It provides an in-depth picture of him.

READ MORE: Anna Ternheim: “I was ready to let go”

When she leaves the partner life and moves to New York, it will be exciting. She was looking for himself and the breakup of both the city and a relationship told poignant when she realizes that the man in question is cheating and she just said “good bye”, walking away and returning to Sweden.

Afterward, it feels like that you have read Anna Ternheims rock memoirs of the audiobook version.

And it is very pleasant.


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