Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Liv Ullman praised the film festival – Swedish Radio

The director and the actress Liv Ullman gets Gothenburg Film Festival Honorary Award in 2015. Norway will also be in focus during next year’s film festival.

The Nordic Honorary Dragon Award is the festival’s honorary award to an inspiring Nordic filmmakers whose works deserve special attention. The prize was awarded for the first time at the 2014 festival.

Next year, the actress and director Liv Ullmann receive the award as Nordic Honorary Dragon Award in Göteborg.
– Liv Ullmann is one of the Nordic film history’s most eminent persons, as an actor and director. Her sharpness and sensitivity have made deep impression on movie lovers worldwide. I Miss Julie she takes an Strindberg with that particular intelligence and elegance that makes her an ideal recipient of the Nordic Honorary Dragon Award, says Jonas Holmberg, artistic director of the Gothenburg Film Festival.

Norway will be the focus as this

year’s Nordic country on the film festival.
The Norwegian focus will be a wide panorama of the Nordic Film country that might have made the greatest strides in recent years, both artistically and publicly. The audience will get acquainted with everything from weight-conscious scientists and blind author of murderous snow removal and speed crazy bildårar. I also dare to promise that it will apply several Norwegian bang movies to come, says Jonas Holmberg, artistic director of the Gothenburg Film Festival.


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