Fredrik Skavlan has received much praise for his Akesson interview. But SD sympathizers rage against SVT. Accordingly, we have not taught us anything, writes GP’s columnist Johan Lindqvist.
Fredrik Skavlan straining really during the interview with Jimmie Åkesson.
The editors had equipped him with extensive research and apparently had prepared themselves to jointly wear and sharpen the questions.
Skavlan was rigorous, objective and even had the paper in his lap, to be completely accurate . Yet it was obviously an impossible mission. Viewers’ expectations, hopes and fears were just too hard turned up for the program could end up in a good way.
The program sawn in advance
Before the program even had been shown sawed SVT, among others, the writer Henrik Arnstad, comedian Özz Nûjen and opera singer Malena Ernman in order to let the absentee SD conductor fit in a casual talk show.
Now it was not quite so cozy and afterwards praised both Ernman and Arnstad presenters Skavlan to have asked tough questions. Others, such as Aftonbladet editorial writer Fredrik Virtanen, said that Skavlan should have gone much harder in the future.
Yes, Åkesson’s political opponents had probably hoped that he would get worn, with garden halfway down. That the facade would slowly fall apart and that Akesson beyond doubt would eventually revealed as both racist and a fascist. There was a silent wish that Jimmie Åkesson would break and that therefore the Sweden Democrats’ position would be destroyed.
Jimmie Åkesson was sweating and had obviously difficult to relate to Frederick Skavlans interview techniques to ask simple, basic questions that he additionally quietly and persistently repeated. One could say that a somewhat confused Akesson kneed, but he decked not.
Fredrik Skavlan received quite a lot of praise, but it also depends on what view feeds you follow. SD sympathizers had a very different picture of the interview. I have had a lot of email exchanges with SD friends and they tend to argue more or less aggressive and often patronizing to all journalists are communists, SVT is called regularly GDR TV. There is a remarkable sacrifice cardigan attitude that often manifests itself fantasies that there should exist some kind of censorship in the media. Brain Ghosts, if you ask me.
Of course, they raged against Fredrik Skavlan. It had not played anyone what he had asked Jimmie Åkesson. In principle, all journalists anathema to these people.
Sheep to get a more accurate picture of the reactions to the program should look outside their usual feeds. Whoever they are. Only then maybe we can start talking to each other in a more constructive way.
General interest or entertainment?
SVT argue, of course, the public interest to be invited Jimmie Åkesson at its greatest talk show. Unfortunately, the public interest often a euphemism for entertainment and it is usually called “good television”.
So we came somewhere with Jimmie Åkesson’s visit to Skavlan studio? We learned anything? We got a deeper understanding of Åkessons personal motivations? No, I do not think so. It became something of a pyspunka of all and afterwards were all equally unsympathetic facing each other like before shipping.
Slowly we rocked out last Friday cosiness of a grizzled Mark Knopfler and Sweden was as broken as before. Was it then even good TV? No, I do not think so.
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