Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Thousand pieces – Bjorn Afzelius | Lorensbergsteatern, Wednesday – Göteborgs-Posten

A thousand pieces – A concert with songs of love and injustice by Björn Afzelius

Lorensbergsteatern, Wednesday

Best: Keyboardist Olle Nyberg rattling piano solo in Errol Garner butt of Evelina. Sweaty!

Worst: A little blinking light bulbs and two televisions showing stills. Stage show is nothing to cheer for.

Public: 790 (crowded)

2 hours and 15 minutes.

When I step into the Lorensbergsteatern will not be long until an older gentleman tap me on the shoulder.

– You lower the average age! he shouts. Here are just bald and white-haired. How come you’re here?

A quick glance into the room shows that he is right. At a concert to Björn Afzelius memory gets my 31 years of life I look like pure puberty victim. To avoid further attention I turn me down immediately on my front bench and shut up.

The vast majority of those who come here tonight have had a love affair with human rights activist, prog rock singer and OIS supporter Heavens over 40 years, and it is quite decidedly to this more mature audience that the concert is directed.

The evening’s musicians – two of which are from the Heavens old backing band Globetrotters and a third has worked with prog rock poet as a sound engineer – run with the Slides on guitars, call each other things like “Mackan” and “Guran”, mentions exuberantly audience’s 40-plussare for “younger” and dancing ironic Duck Walk on stage. They have a twinkle in his eye constantly, and is, of course, incredibly talented musicians.

Actually a bit too clever; a little too fine, a little too doctored. That irritated nasal in the song, and the peculiar dialect that did not do any crazy but certain to have bottomed out in a kind of Småland, it was also Bjorn Afzelius. Maybe even that which was most so of everything. Neither Goran Blomgrens pure Swedish rock sue or Patrik Lundström’s dance band voice will unfortunately near the original glorious Katzenjammer during the itinerant thousand pieces concert.

Which they are aware of. Center Square on the scene, they left empty, as a reminder of those who made them. It is beautiful and feels honest.

Anecdotes interspersed with 21 songs from the Heavens Song tax, of which Icarus, Autumn (For Ann-Christine) and a sedate Miss Julie with just the electric piano and vocals lands best. A memory trip may not fully hosted the five hundred overlap requested, but can be a helfint complement to the documentary thousand pieces from last year. By coincidence, the film is shown on TV next week.


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