Kjell Alinge has passed away 72 years old. Photo: Cleis Nordfjell
E n of the radio most wayward votes has suddenly passed away. Kjell Alinge was 72 years and was the radio history during his life: his insatiable musical hunger, his inimitably vivid imagery and its literally personal sounding voice. Many are those who have tried to mimic the meandering formulations and metaphors, few are those who even come close.
At a time when the substance solve babblandet dominate both the radio and podcasts why it is important to remember an intelligent, evocative and deeply passionate radio profile. As such, he will be remembered and placed together with the previously acclaimed colleagues. Praised he was during his lifetime, in 2013 when he was awarded the Large Radio Prize honorary award.
Kjell Alinge came to Sveriges Radio’s Youth Editorial Team in 1963 and starred in the long-forgotten radio shows like “zig-zag” and “Zzzummer”. Today we remember him for the dårpippiga sketches in långköraren “At home” and the luxurious eclectic music mix in “Eldorado”. Together with Janne Forsell he excelled in an absurd surrealist “At home” -humor hovering around somewhere in the radio space between, shall we say, Lasse O’Månson and Hassan gang. I myself was not a big consumer of their humor, but for many around me were the men madness indispensable element in an otherwise quite strict proggigt Swedish 70s. And probably let the program subtitle “Cultural Funk from the liberated areas” remarkably modern even today.
When was “Eldorado” more important. With an enthusiasm worthy of a new believer, he thrived – initially with Lennart Wretlind, another strong radio personality – in the 80s neon and introduced hitherto unheard synthpop interspersed with virtually anything. Synthpop duo Adolphson & amp; Falk was more or less a product of the program, it’s all the same so it feels, and if I remember right hard plug was the British singer Rupert Hine beyond moderation and balance. Today, he is so forgotten that he hardly available on Spotify, but at the time of the album “Immunity” – it was 1981 – he was a big name in the nascent synth pop scene. Titiyo was also fierce plugged: Alinge liked “Man in the Moon” so much that he played it through a whole program.
After the prog times it was a bit prohibited quirky champagne exuberant luxury, which made the “Eldorado” extra attractive. The program had as a motto “the night’s entertainment and stellar music” and first aired on Tuesdays and Saturdays between 22 and midnight. It was moved to Sunday mornings with unchanged effectiveness, where it remained in the tableau to 1993. 2006 came Kjell Alinge again with the program, first on the web, then as a part of the P2 range up to 2013 and then with an even more adventurous earth around- traveling track list than when it went in P3.
In the program series “Niagara” , which aired in 2013 in P2, he took the movies as a basis for “expeditions through the world all genres of music.” The description of the program as “a nifty cinerama rides from the fifteenth crater on the moon’s far side, passing the hot dog stand in Hässleholm and landing in the middle of Bollywood” can also serve as a summary of Kjell Alinges life’s work as a music mediator.
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